On Mon, Oct 06, 2003 at 03:43:50PM -0500, Andres Becerra Sandoval wrote:
> I guess people is used to wait a little bit when the document is opening.
> So, maybe you could load the data displayed in document->layout dialog in
> that moment?
This would just move the cost about so that everybody a
En Mon, 6 Oct 2003 17:01:14 +0100, John Levon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Qt frontend ? How long are we talking ? Only the first time the dialog
is opened, or each time ?
Qt frontend version 1.3.3. It takes ~2.5 seconds in my 600Mhz machine, more
in old pentium computers using LTSP in my offic
On Mon, Oct 06, 2003 at 10:34:15AM -0500, Andres Becerra wrote:
> Two persons have told me that the Layout->Document dialog takes a little
> bit to load in (really) fast machines.
Qt frontend ? How long are we talking ? Only the first time the dialog
is opened, or each time ?
It's around a secon
LyX is a great application, however I've had problems trying to gain
adepts to it.
Two persons have told me that the Layout->Document dialog takes a little
bit to load in (really) fast machines.
Is this something that can be improved upon?
Andres Becerra Sandoval