Uwe Stöhr wrote:
Hauser Helmut schrieb:
Thanks for your response. I have attached the two lyx files and the
two resulting pdf files.
ThePDFs are absolute identical here. Another user sees the same as he
reported you.
Yes you are right - strange. I have a printed copy in front of me with
Hauser Helmut schrieb:
Thanks for your response. I have attached the two lyx files and the two
resulting pdf files.
ThePDFs are absolute identical here. Another user sees the same as he reported
The version 1.6 lyx file I got by exporting the 1.5 lyx file to plain
LaTeX (attached too)
Manveru schrieb:
I do not know how others see it, but for me these two PDFs are
identical in terms of typography and layout.
The same for me, I cannot see any difference.
regards Uwe
2009/6/15 Hauser Helmut :
> Somehow it did not work out. Here are the correct links:
> Lyx 1.5:
> http://tinyurl.com/nylqsf
> pdf 1.5:
> http://tinyurl.com/nr7fkm
> TeX -file:
> http://tinyurl.com/nstdz3
> LyX 1.6:
> http://tinyurl.com/nlv2u7
> pdf 1.6:
> http://tinyurl.com/ktlejb
> Hope it
Somehow it did not work out. Here are the correct links:
Lyx 1.5:
pdf 1.5:
TeX -file:
LyX 1.6:
pdf 1.6:
Hope it works now.
- Helmut*
Hauser Helmut wrote:
Sorry the amount of data was too much.
Here are links for the files:
1.5 LyX:
1.5 pdf:
1.6 LyX:
1.6 pdf:
- helmut
Hauser Helmut wrote:
Hello Uwe,
Thanks for your respo
Hauser Helmut schrieb:
My problem is that when I make a pdf using the IEEEtrans.sty in LYX 1.5
and a pdf of the "same" document (exporting it from 1.5 => plain LaTeX =>
import to 1.6) in LyX (1.6.0 as well in 1.6.3) it has different margins and letter sizes.
Can you please provide a small ex
My problem is that when I make a pdf using the IEEEtrans.sty in LYX 1.5 and
a pdf of the "same" document (exporting it from 1.5 => plain LaTeX =>
import to 1.6)
in LyX (1.6.0 as well in 1.6.3) it has different margins and letter sizes.
I assumed that the style should define the margins