> > I've been using IEEEtrans.cls in Latex. Now I want to use
> > this class file in Lyx. How can I "add" this class file to LyX. I
> > also want to use IEEE bib style file (IEEE.bst) in LyX.
> do you have the IEEEtran.layout in ~/.lyx/layouts or
> in /usr/share/lyx/layouts ?
I don't h
Matias Freytes wrote:
> Hello,
> I've been using IEEEtrans.cls in Latex. Now I want to use
> this class file in Lyx. How can I "add" this class file to LyX. I
> also want to use IEEE bib style file (IEEE.bst) in LyX.
do you have the IEEEtran.layout in ~/.lyx/layouts or
in /usr/share/ly
I've been using IEEEtrans.cls in Latex. Now I want to use
this class file in Lyx. How can I "add" this class file to LyX. I
also want to use IEEE bib style file (IEEE.bst) in LyX.
Any hints?
Thank you,