Re: How to write Commads outside of \begin{document}

2008-02-17 Thread cmiramon
Martin Ilcik wrote: > > Now how can I define some of the styles in my layout to be placed > outside of the \begin{document} in the .tex output? Currently I've all > this stuff in Document->Settings->Latex Preamble, but that's pretty > nonWYSIWYG. So is there any workaround? No Charles

How to write Commads outside of \begin{document}

2008-02-17 Thread Martin Ilcik
Hello, I'm writing a paper to a conference, that uses a class that requires \title, \author, \abstract etc. to be placed outside the \begin{document}. Moreover there should be a \firstsection{Introduction} command as the only one command before the \maketitle. So it should look like %%some initia