Thanks for the scripts, Jürgen!
They work here on Ubuntu, too, as I just found out. The necessary
python-dbus package seems to be present out of the box. Now I have
forward and reverse search with LyX and Evince.
Have a nice first advent sunday!
Am Sonntag, dem 03.12.2023 um 10:22 +0100 sc
Am Sonntag, dem 03.12.2023 um 10:09 +0100 schrieb Tobias Hilbricht:
> Has anybody a working forward and reverse search configuration with
> Evince and LyX on Ubuntu?
Not on Ubuntu, but both ways work well for me with Evince (OpenSuse
Tumbleweed) with the evince_synx_lyx scripts:
Eckard, thanks for checking!
In the meantime I found that forward search is working: I tried forward
search with Ctrl + left mouse button as in TeXStudio, but in LyX it is
right mouse button and then "Forward search" in the context menu.
However, inverse search still does not work with LyX and Ok
I tried it and it did not work. But I did not look for the reason.
Am 02.12.23 um 20:21 schrieb Tobias Hilbricht:
Dear readers of this list,
has anybody here a working forward and reverse search configuration on
Ubuntu 22.04 with LyX 2.3.7 and Okular (21.12.3)? I tried according to
the Wikihttp
Dear readers of this list,
has anybody here a working forward and reverse search configuration on
Ubuntu 22.04 with LyX 2.3.7 and Okular (21.12.3)? I tried according to
the Wiki and the Additional Manual
without success like this:
PDF command in LyX Settings > Out