> I tried to install the LyX 1.0.2 rpm package found atftp://moni.msci.memphis.edu/pub/
> and it seems seems to require the library file libstdc++-libc6.1-1.so.2
> I don't have this file in my RedHat 5.2 system. What should I do about this?
On my system (RH6.0), I have
I tried to install the LyX 1.0.2 rpm package found atftp://moni.msci.memphis.edu/pub/
and it seems seems to require the library file libstdc++-libc6.1-1.so.2
I don't have this file in my RedHat 5.2 system. What should I do about this?
Thank you all,
Perhaps you can append "rh5.2" to the release of the rpm I made, and upload
the binary to ftp.lyx.org.
What I mean is, change the release line in the spec file to
Release: 1rh5.2
and then build the rpm.
no failed
dependencies for RH5.0.
>From: Liisa Vermeer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: LyX 1.0.2 rpm for RH5 please!
>Date: Thu, 06 May 1999 20:11:32 -0700
>Dear Dr Cazzolato,
>would you please mail me the rpm for LyX-1.0.2? The one by Mate
It is at
Please read the lyx.README first.