Re: eqnarray numbering

2006-05-17 Thread tceglare
That's it. Thank you. > Disable numbers for a specific equation: > Use the menu Edit-Math-Toggle_Numbering_of_Line

eqnarray numbering

2006-05-17 Thread tceglare
hello, i would like to number NOT all equations in an array of equations. but i can just number all or none. does anybody knows how to number e.g. the first and the third equation? regards, tobias

space between footnote and footer

2006-04-30 Thread tceglare
hello, i am using book (koma-script) with small margins. my problem i cannot solve is that the space between a footnote and the footer (i have made a line above the footer) is to small. how can i fix this? cu, tc

Distance between footnote and footrule is too small

2006-04-28 Thread tceglare
hello again, i have a problem with my komascript-book. i have set small borders. now the last row of a footnote is cutting the footrule (the line above the footer). how can i fix this? greetings, tobias ceglarek

Re: Saving equations as images

2006-04-23 Thread tceglare
> Hello, > > I am looking for a quick way to save simple LyX mathematical expressions > as > image files, along the lines of tex2im (only with LyX's gui interface). Is > there any easy, one-step way to do this (like a "save as bitmap/jpeg" > option)? > > Thank you! > > =Ubuntu Linux 5.10 (B

Re: fancy userdefined

2006-04-13 Thread tceglare
Do you mean just the String "Name"? Then there appears in the left and right head the String "Name". But I want to appear e.g. the name of the chapter in the left. Now it works for me: \fancyhf{} \renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{#1}{}} \renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesection.

Re: horizontal line above and below titel-environment

2006-04-12 Thread tceglare
It work's !! Thank you very much, Tobias C. > > Well, one cheap way to do it is to put ERT in the title, e.g.: > \hrulefill \\ This is the Title \\ \hrulefill > That gives me lines above and below. They're not spaced very well, but > that could be resolved. I believe there's also a package th

horizontal line above and below titel-environment

2006-04-12 Thread tceglare
hello again, how can i make a horizontal line above and below the title? "Layout/Paragraph/Lines & Pagebreaks" does not work. "\hrulefill" does not work, too. (the lines appear on a blank side before the title page) thank you your support, tc ps: lyx version 1.3.6

Re: fancy userdefined

2006-04-12 Thread tceglare
>> > > You may refer to running headers with \leftmark and \rightmark. > AFAIR, most classes require no other options than \pagestyle{fancy} > to get these. What happens if you don't redefine \chead and \rhead as > empty ? > > I don't know how \leftmark and \rig

Re: fancy userdefined

2006-04-12 Thread tceglare
> You may refer to running headers with \leftmark and \rightmark. AFAIR, most classes require no other options than \pagestyle{fancy} to get these. What happens if you don't redefine \chead and \rhead as empty ? >>> >>>I don't know how \leftmark and \rightmark wor

Re: just a horizontal line

2006-04-12 Thread tceglare
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: >> hello again, >> >> how to make a horizontal line above and below my title ? >> >> cu, >> >> tc >> >> >> > Above and below, insert an ERT box with the following command \hrulefill > Your hint works just for normal text, but not for the title. It seems to be a special c

Re: fancy userdefined

2006-04-12 Thread tceglare
> >>>Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 18:33:17 +0200 (CEST) >>>Subject: fancy userdefined >>>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] >>>To: >>>X-PMX-Version:, Antispam-Engine:, Antispam-Data: >>> 2006.4.5.213708 (Univ. Osnabrueck) >>>X-PMX-Spam: Gauge=X, Probability=10%, Report=P

just a horizontal line

2006-04-12 Thread tceglare
hello again, how to make a horizontal line above and below my title ? cu, tc

fancy userdefined

2006-04-12 Thread tceglare
hello, i wanna define my pagestyle with fancy. so i have made following entry in the preamble: \lhead{} \chead{} \rhead{} \lfoot{My Name, Juli 2006} \cfoot{} \rfoot{\thepage} \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0.1pt} \renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0.1pt} it works. but i don't know how to insert the na

way of citations (bibtex)

2006-04-07 Thread tceglare
hello again, how can i modify the way of citation, when i am using bibtex? now citations in the text look like "[1]" or "[12, ]". i want them to look like "(Lorenz, 1963)" or so. thank you all for your support! tc

List of Figures (2nd edition)

2006-04-07 Thread tceglare
hello, now i have short titles in my list of figures. but i have one more question: how can i change the way of numbering the figures? for example: not(!) 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, ..., 2.1, 2.2, ... but: 1, 2, 3, 4, ... or A, B, C, D, ... i am using document class book-komascript. regards, tc

Re: List of Figures

2006-04-04 Thread tceglare
Thank you very much - it works! > Hi > > Click: Insert - short title > and then write a shorter title after the title of the figure. In the TOC > the short title is displayed. Also works for section titles etc. and > works is both TOC and headers etc. > > Regards > Christiaan > > > > > [EMAIL PROT

List of Figures

2006-04-03 Thread tceglare
hello, i have inserted a list of figures in my document (book-komascript). the problem is that the whole(!) description of the figures appears in the list. i want to appear just a short title of each figure. can anyone help me, please? cu, tc