Is this layout possible?

2003-03-13 Thread rvt
I guys, I'm still fearly new to lyx. I want to convert my layout of my website to lyx. Is this: possible? I tried stuff with tables but I don't even come close. Ries

converted trebuchet MS

2003-01-13 Thread rvt
Hello List, did anyone happen to convert trebuchet MS succesfully? It took me some time to convert the fond to a type1 font and let TeX find it and LyX use it but some letters are boxed out. That meens when the systeem trys to print/view the letter 'f' I just see a black box.. :( Ries

Font change

2002-12-23 Thread rvt
Dear All, I know that must has been asked a zillion times before but... I just install ArialNarrow on my Linux box and X apps sees this fonts. Now I want to use the font in Lyx, How do I tell Lyx that he/she has to output all text, or parts of this text in ArialNarrow? Pointer to some doc will