-t 4 -I -S pl -f -r -q $$i
-o $$o"
> is there any way to "reload miktex configuration"? Perhaps the z0 change is
> not active yet?
Yes, Windows reboot. But nothing changed.
Mit freundlichen Gruessen Yours Sincerely
Roland Schmitz
oticed, the file myscript.pl is not converted to
myscript.tex if i want to view a preview. When i start reading your
how-to, i converted i manualy. Now i deleted this, but no new file is
> Anyone else with a good idea?
Mit freundlichen Gruessen Yours Sincerely
Roland Schmitz
I modifierd the subject, because i think tracing will be easyer.
Gunnar Lindholm schrieb:
> But the hightlight program works fine?
>> I did everything as you described (with Perl insted of C++), but if i
>> want to see a dvi preview i get folowing error:
>> LaTex Error: File './0d__daten_prog
LaTex Error: File './0d__daten_prog_perl_myscript.tex' not found
***(cannot \read drom terminal in nonstop modes)
Mit freundlichen Gruessen Yours Sincerely
Roland Schmitz
hicht}" but Layer alone did not
appear in my index (with the reference to Neuronal Netowork-layer). How can i
fix this?
Mit freundlichem GrussYours sincerely
Roland Schmitz
Am Sonntag, 18. März 2007 18:53 schrieb Steve Litt:
> The \\ commands are newline commands.
Bingo, that's the thing i was looking for.
Roland Schmitz
n the title, ore what else
can i do to prevent my name from beeing "overwriten" by the title?
Mit freundlichem GrussYours sincerely
Roland Schmitz
Hi John,
when i'm looking for Symbols, i use
Here you ca find "almost everything" ;-}
Mit freundlichen Gruessen Yours Sincerely
Roland Schmitz
The requested URL /linux/lyx/self_publish_lyx.htm does not exist.
Mit freundlichem GrussYours sincerely
Roland Schmitz
Hi Richard, Hi Steve,
thanx for your quick answer.
Now i know where to read about writing my own environment. Because i'm new to
LaTeX, i think i'll need some support after reading, testing, ...
I'll be back ;-}
Roland Schmitz
one with green) this would be exactly
what i'm looking for, but that would be a goody.
If there is a tutorial how to write layouts, a RTFM with a link will be
I knwo i can use the LaTeX "listing package", but ERT's are not really
Mit freundlichem GrussYours sincerely
Roland Schmitz
Hi Marcelo
mark the whole String, e.g. Arsenio Ferraces Rodríguez, and then select Insert
> Index Entry. On my system i do a "Ctrl+C" (copy of the string) first,
because the marked string is replaced with the index entry "mark". After that
i do a "Ctrl+V" (paste).
Hi Jürgen, hi List,
> I guess you have to insert manual line breaks (or use listings.sty instead
> of lyxcode, for that matter).
How to use this?
> Cf.
> http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=overfull
That's it
i just noticed that some long lines (paragraphs) wich uses the "LyX-Code"
style didn't break at when they are longer than the page width. This dont
looks very nice.
Also if i got cross-references or references to my bibliography in a
paragraph, the lines are often (not always) longer than t
i've got a problem with hperref in my Master Thesis.
If i generate a dvi or pdf an click on a link for exmple chapter 2, the second
chapter in the apendix will be shown to me. If i cklick to on chapter 4 the
fourth chapter in the apendix is shown, and so on ...
I'm not shure since when firs
I'm looking for a way to have index entrys like "Status LEDsee LED".
How can I create such index entrys?
Roland Schmitz
Mit freundlichem GrussYours sincerely
Roland Schmitz
Lassen Sie Ihren Gedanken freien Lauf... z.B. per FreeSMS
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today i tried to use minitoc inside my Master Thesis, without success.
I did following:
-insert "\usepackage{minitoc}" in the preamble
-insert "\dominitoc" at the beginning of the document in a ERT
-insert "\minitoc" after each chapter in a ERT
The result is, after each chapter i've got a hea
Am Freitag, 28. Januar 2005 00:38 schrieben Sie:
> You might also have a look at the file
> TableExamples.lyx
> that is part of your LyX installatuion.
thanx that's what i was looking for. Now i knwo how to insert a longtable, but
while using them without a table float, i dont know h
while looking for infos about longtables inside of lyx, if found the folowing
in several search engines. But since i tried (2-3 weeks) to see the page i
never was so lucky to get it. Does someone knows weather it's down
Hi John,
> This shows up in the LyX file but with an error message, as attached.
For me this sounds, like your file isn't lokatet where Lyx is looking for it.
> I am then unable to update the dvi or export to a pdf with pdfLaTeX.
I checked your file without problems. Ok i had to change the file l
; repository,
> I found it working beautifully.
great, i'll use it this weekend.
Mit freundlichem GrussYours sincerely
Roland Schmitz
Geschenkt: 3 Monate GMX ProMail + 3 Ausgaben der TV Movie mit DVD
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gt; \RCSdef $Revision$
> \RCSdef $Date$
> Now, you can use \RCSRevision or \RCSDate in your document (in a
> LaTeX ERT inset).
can i use this code similar with CVS?
Mit freundlichem GrussYours sincerely
Roland Schmitz
Geschenkt: 3 Monate GMX ProMail + 3 Ausgabe
ut it, if i know where.
Mit freundlichem GrussYours sincerely
Roland Schmitz
Geschenkt: 3 Monate GMX ProMail + 3 Ausgaben der TV Movie mit DVD
Jetzt anmelden und testen http://www.gmx.net/de/go/mail
while writing my master thesis, i started to use cvs to track changes in the
text, pictures, measuremet results ... . Inside of my thesis i want to use
the cvs version or revision tags (on the titlepage, or in the page
Is/how it possibe to query cvs automaticly before prin
lit {(pt) search { 3 1 roll pop pop } if cvr} def
%%% Definitions %%
/font /Palatino-Roman findfont 110 scalefont def
/grayvalue .8 def % 1 is white
/angle 50 def % rotation for the text
/bgtext (Erstellt von Roland Schmitz) def % background text
Am Montag, 20. September 2004 19:55 schrieb George Ellenburg:
> Can someone tell me how I can insert "1/2" as in "8 1/2" or "3/4" as in
> "7 3/4" into a LyX document?
> They're supposed to be actual characters to represent one-half and
> three-quarters, such as Â, â, â, Â, Â, etc.
if you
now i've checked it. No success :-{
If i print 4 pages on one sheet of paper, there are four pages full off text,
not just two with text and two without.
first of all thanx to you Herbert and Guenter, in a couple of houers i'll
start a short trip, so there's no time to check this. I post the result next
Am Montag, 6. September 2004 21:52 schrieb Herbert Voss:
> this cannot work, because the box is set as is ...
> Write into the preamble
Because i'm a newbee, i need a bit more help
> \let\OldMaketitle\maketitle
> \renewcommand\maketitle{%
> }
Am Dienstag, 7. September 2004 11:49 schrieb Roland Schmitz:
> How do i redefine the pagebreak to do a double pagebreak?
i tried first this:
next try was:
Am Dienstag, 7. September 2004 10:32 schrieb G. Milde:
> some suggestions:
> Take a block of empty pages with you to the laboratory, write your note on
> one and put it on the right place.
> Use a one sided printer, so the backside of your pages stays empty.
That's the way i'm working today.
i want to use a savebox, to reuse the title of my document on different places
of my Document. Here's the defintion of th Savebox
\newsavebox{\DocTitle} \savebox{\DocTitle}{MyTitle}
Today i wanted to have the Title in an "huge" fontsize, so i tried:
But t
at the moment im writing my Master Thesis. While i'm working on it, it will be
very helpfull for me, to have after ervery page which is allredy written, an
empty on (which is not counted for the TOC). On this empty page i want to
write some notes ... when im sitting at the university in the
how can i automaticly limit a table to be max. as wide as the Page. If the
content in the
colums need's more space, it should be a "multi line" colum(s).
how can i limit a table to be max. as wide as the Page. If the content in the
colums need's more space, it should be a "multi line" colum(s).
at the moment im writing my Master Thesis. While i'm working on it, it will be
very helpfull for me, to have after ervery page which is allredy written, an
empty on (which is not counted for the TOC). On this empty page i want to
write some notes ... when im sitting at the university in the
how can i use the titel of my document, which is defined in:
\title{Titel of my Masterthesis}
to have this in my fancyfoot environment. At the Moment i have to type the
Titel again:
\fancyfoot[OL]{Titel of my Masterthesis}
andom password, which is send to the user.
I think this is more secure than 'lyx'. It's also possible to log the
email/password for several day's so that it is possible to get the people
that are hacking the site.
Mit freundlichem GrussYours sincerely
Roland Schmitz
Am Donnerstag, 17. Juni 2004 01:53 schrieb Uwe Stöhr:
> This is only possible if the images are highly compressed, but then they
> often look ugly. (compression depends on the eps->pdf converter)
> Pdflatex has the advantage that you need no converter for png images.
> (Btw. the upcoming pdfl
ne, then automatically both, the marker and the
> reference are created (LyX already suggests an automatic label when
> creating a marker).
That sound's good to me, but i'm not able to implement a feature like this. Or
is it already implemented?
Mit freundlichem GrussYours sincerely
Roland Schmitz
Ok, this tells me, that i have to mark all objects manualy.
This is no problem, but i thought there could be a automatism.
Mit freundlichem GrussYours sincerely
Roland Schmitz
o that you won't have such
> problems.
I will check this again.
Mit freundlichem Gruss Yours sincerely
Roland Schmitz
is it possible to insert a cross reference to a chapter, section or
subsection, or even to a figure, without inserting a marker for every
Mit freundlichem GrussYours sincerely
Roland Schmitz
with tex2pdf the index is missing, if i use dvipdfm
it's ok.
2) acroread show's all chapters of my document in the bookmarklist expect one
(the second) chapter. I can't the any difference, between this chapter an the
other ones.
I also posted this to the tex2pdf mailinglist, but till now i got no answer.
Mit freundlichem GrussYours sincerely
Roland Schmitz
ssYours sincerely
Roland Schmitz
Hi Paul,
that's it. I think there's a lot to learn for me ...
> \usepackage{remreset}
> \makeatletter
> \makeatother
> I hope this helps you!
ause i'm a newbee, i failed. Can
anybody else help me?
Mit freundlichem GrussYours sincerely
Roland Schmitz
Am Donnerstag, 6. Mai 2004 23:48 schrieb Paul Smith:
> You can get what you are wanting if you add the following lines to the
> preamble:
> \usepackage{remreset}
Hi Paul,
thanx, that's the way of numbering my pictures i was looking for.
Am Donnerstag, 6. Mai 2004 23:48 schrieb Paul Smith:
> \usepackage{remreset}
> \makeatletter
> \makeatother
Mit freundlichem Gruss
s and putting the rest into the
> "LaTeX-Vorspann" should do it -I think.
> Hope this helps
> -Kai-
> Am Don, 2004-05-06 um 21.55 schrieb Roland Schmitz:
> > Hi,
> >
> > how can i change the figure
how can i change the figure numbering form "chapter number" . "number of pic
in this capter" into a "strait" forward numbering where every picture get's
just a number.
Mit freundlichem Gruss Yours sincerely
Roland Schmitz
Am Freitag, 30. April 2004 10:38 schrieb Georg Baum:
> Dominique Buenzli wrote:
> >> http://tex2pdf.berlios.de/
> > is down...
> It works here.
here too, but the download area http://download.berlios.de/tex2pdf/
is down.
Mit freundlichem Gruss Yours sincerely
Roland Schmitz
you can use
\setcounter{page}{1} \pagenumbering{roman}
chem GrussYours sincerely
Roland Schmitz
Am Sonntag, 25. April 2004 16:10 schrieb Roland Schmitz:
> Hi,
> after reading, testing, ... here's my solution, in a ERT:
> \begin{figure}[H]
> \parbox{.48\linewidth}
> {
> \centering\includegrap
Here both pictures a placed side-by-side, each with a separate caption, an
each with a separate entry in the list of figures.
Mit freundlichem GrussYours sincerely
Roland Schmitz
I'm the only user (and root) of this machine, so nobody else will be angry.
Mit freundlichem Gruss Yours sincerely
Roland Schmitz
now i'm pleased. The layout, i "desinged" in my
*.ist file is good for me. Now my question, how can i tell lyx to use this
*.ist file without using this makeindex wraper?
Mit freundlichem GrussYours sincerely
Roland Schmitz
s as soon as posible.
Thank you
Mit freundlichem GrussYours sincerely
Roland Schmitz
+++ NEU bei GMX und erstmalig in Deutschland: TÜV-geprüfter Virenschutz +++
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allso apeare in the list of figures.
I tried to use a minipage with two figure floats in it, but inside a minipage
it is only possible to use a "Wrap figure" float.
Mit freundlichem GrussYours sincerely
Roland Schmitz
answers" and "unsubscribe from the list"", but that's not fair and i
woun't do that. For me a forum is a fair solution. Do you know an forum
(german or english) which is focused on lyx and/or tex?
Mit freundlichem GrussYours sincerely
Roland Schmitz
ld on 25.09.2003. I expect this should work,
on my old comupter with a Suse 8.x this works fine. Whats wrong with my
system, or with me?
I'm new on this List, if the answer ist RTFM, it will be nice if you tell me
which manual do you meen. All the mauals/books i've read didn't
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