Hello all,
I need to include a CV (an existing lyx file using a CV layout) in a report
layout. Is there a more elegant way to this that including a PDF ?
Thanks in advance,
I noticed something similar. When I use the GUI everything works and I
can export to pdf however, when I use the command line and type lyx -e
pdf2 Doc_LP10_31.lyx, lyx does it's business (no errors when using -dbg)
but the pdf file does not appear in the directory containing
I'm confused,
The lyx version I've downloaded this morning as being stable from the
lyx site contains an openoffice option in the export menu. It doesn't
work ... but the option is there :-)
Paul Smith wrote:
On 8/4/06, Stephen Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Nick Thomas developed
Hello all,
I just tried to export a lyx document to openoffice writer format. All
seems to work well but when I try to open the resulting document with
openoffice 2.0 it complains about a format error in Content.xml. Any
idea what that might be ??
Hello all
Is there a lyx way to have a minipage spanning multiple pages ??
Thanks in advance
Hi all,
How do I tell lyx 1.4.1 to use the frenchb language option. The only
thing I can find is french and that's incompatible with the rest of my
Hello all,
I need to use a class called onera that wants frenchb as the language
option to pass to babel. How do I do this with LyX. If I pick french for
a language and export as latex, I get :
In the tex file. What can I do to get something like
I have an strange problem with the spell checker. When checking a French
text I can't get the encodig setting right. Either the spell checker
intercepts correctly spelled words because (I asume) it doesn't
understand the encoding (accents etc.) or it the corrections it proposes
are unr