Hi Jim,
>> In LyX 2.0 you can scroll past the end of the document, which means you
>> can at
>> least maintain the cursor in the middle of the screen by scrolling
>> manually. To
>> enable it look under Editing > Control in preferences.
> Yep, that helps a bit...
>> As for what you're
I've got an idea for Lyx 2; it would be great if its possible to keep the cursor
at the center of the screen while typing.
When you are editing at the end of the file loaded in lyx, your cursor also
ends up there, which is ergonomically speaking terrible... keeping the cursor
in the center
I did forget to mention:
brutus:Desktop jelleferinga$ kpsewhich storno.sty
Hi Paul,
Aha! That offers some insight!
Same thing happes no matter whether I export latex(plain) || latex(pdflatex).
brutus:Desktop jelleferinga$ pdflatex newfile1.tex
This is pdfTeXk, Version 3.1415926-1.40.9 (Web2C 7.5.7)
%&-line parsing enabled.
kpathsea: Running mktexfmt pdflatex.fmt
I ca
Hi Paul,
Thanks for your help.
storno is found:
brutus:evolve_buildable jelleferinga$ kpsewhich storno.sty
however, after including \userpackage{storno }
lyx is still not finding storno.sty.
any ideas what I still might try?
I'm interested in adding a few otf fonts;
Following http://web.willbenton.com/writing/2008/better-latex, I'm trying to do
with the otfinst.py script. After setting:
export TEXMFMAIN='/usr/local/texlive/2008/texmf'
export TEXMFLOCAL='~/Library/texmf'