dear readers,
may be this is not lyx but TeX error. (I use the last Miktex WinXP)
mavrosym.sty (2006/05/11 v2.1) defines
while g-brief-de.layout (and the g-brief.cls in tex) defines
Style Telefon
LatexName Telefon
this stops latex every tim
This is a known bug and will be fixed in the next release. For the
meatime you can replace the file by the attached file in the
Thanks Uwe, this workaround fits my needs; yes, I did reinstall Lyx two
times before but with no differenc
ing in the menu
dialog "Werkzeuge-->TeX-Information" -- all time empty! So I am not able
to add customized latex styles and classes.;-(
Any help will be fine.
Thanks for reading and thinking about the problem.
hartje at etech . hs-bremen . de
now how to go further.
Is there anybody out there who can give me hints/links, where and how to
get a working lyx on win32 win98? What is the recommended configuration
for win98? Are there any restrictions on the directory names?
Michael Hartje
mp;), const char*, bool, unsigned int)':
../../../../boost/boost/regex/detail/regex_match.hpp:1904: Internal compiler
error in expand_call, at calls.c:3049
Please submit a full bug report,
with preprocessed source if appropriate.
See> for instructions.
Hello lyx-developers,
since I did not find any binary verion Lyx-1.3.3 for SuSE8.1 I try to do
it myself.
Compiling the stable lyx-1.3.3 on SuSE8.1 with gcc3.2 on qt3.1.1
out the official SRPM from I got some early compiling errors.
(see below)
The process stops very early during the fi
1) /root/.lyx/doc/LaTeXConfig.lyx.emergency
Speichern scheint gelungen zu sein. Glück gehabt!
LyX: Versuche Speichern des Dokuments
/usr/share/lyx/templates/unbenannt.lyx als...
1) /usr/share/lyx/templates/unbenannt.lyx.emergency
Speichern scheint gelungen zu sein. Glück gehabt!