Re: German keyboards

2005-06-09 Thread Uwe StÃhr
Jose Capco wrote: I am using a German keyboard with windows, unfortunately I believe microsoft has some problems regarding German keyboard drivers. That's not true. I need to type the carat "^" twice in order to get it.. and once I type it a double carat will appear "^^" and so I have then t

Re: \hyphenation

2005-04-20 Thread Uwe StÃhr
Tim Michelsen wrote: I am currently encountering numerous problems in my document. I wrote the hints from in my preamble but still get some ugly things like: [I write in German...] Un- instead ofUnter- ternehmen

Re: Wrong papersize when using pdflatex

2005-04-13 Thread Uwe StÃhr
Paul Medwell wrote: If my LyX documents contain images then the papersize of the pdflatex output gets set to "letter" (8.5 × 11 inch), whereas I want it to be A4. I don't have this problem if the margins are set to default or custom. Below is an excerpt of latex code; \documentclass[english]{artic

Re: Figure on the left, text on the right

2005-04-05 Thread Uwe StÃhr
Guillaume Yziquel a écrit: > Well, it is a quite nice solution. However, inserting medskips and > protected linebreaks works, up to the point where you have to put > another environment (such as Theorem). Then, you can't allow a protected >linebreak... and "Theorem" gets once more indented. Wha

Re: Problems with Roman under Adobe Acrobat

2005-04-05 Thread Uwe StÃhr
[EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb: i use lyx 1.3.3 and miktex 2.4, acrobat reader 6 under win xp. when i start pdflatex under lyx i become the following error message from acrobat reader: In der Schrift "Roman" ist der Wert für /Widths fehlerhaft. Which fonts do you use in your document? Could you post a (

Re: Figure on the left, text on the right

2005-04-04 Thread Uwe StÃhr
Guillaume Yziquel a écrit: Don't you think it might be a good idea to talk about this problem in the Lyx Documentation? I'm currently reworking the LyX documentation and will try to mention this problem. But you can add this solution to the LyX-Wiki: regards Uwe

Re: linebreaks inside table cells

2005-04-04 Thread Uwe StÃhr
Alexander Blüm schrieb: I'd like to create a table with linebreaks inside the cells. Inserting linebreaks doesn't help, neither does C-enter... any ideas? I described this and other table issues at regards Uwe

Re: Figure on the left, text on the right

2005-04-04 Thread Uwe StÃhr
Guillaume Yziquel a écrit: It works... but if the proof includes more than one paragraph, the pdf output is like this : Proof: blah, blah, [figure] blah, blah blah, blah, blah. blah, blah, blah, blah, blah blah, blah, blah. There is an extra blank as if it tried to put the figure twice.

Re: footnotes in table not appears in output

2005-03-20 Thread Uwe StÃhr
Marcelo Acuÿf1a wrote: In a float table I put footnotes. This footnotes appears ok in screen. I can open, read and close this footnote. This footnote not appear in output. The number of footnotes appears in table, but the footnotes itself not appears at the end of page. What happens? Have a l

Re: Help with alignat ?

2005-02-22 Thread Uwe StÃhr
Matt wrote: I want to use lyx to align an array of equations of the form: y1=d1 on x1=e1 y2=d2 on x2=e2 Here d* and e* are variable length expressions. To do this I chose 5 fields with alignment rlcrl. No matter what I do, I cannot get the last field to appear in dvi with a left alignment! I am usi

Re: NEWBIE Q: how do I eliminate \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}

2005-02-21 Thread Uwe StÃhr
mario wrote: Usually, I don't use them. (I type \`{a} for à) If this is an advantage for you. However, my present issue is a different one: say I process my file.tex by pdflatex as to get file.pdf. If I have used fontenc and/or inputenc, the acroread viewer displays file.pdf in a very weird way, c

Re: smeared fonts of Lyx files in view and export

2005-02-17 Thread Uwe StÃhr
Wolfgang Engelmann wrote: What to do if the fonts of Lyx files are smeared in view and export? I am using Lyx 1.3.4 and SuSe9.2. View and export show dvi PDF PDF(dvipdfm) PS userdefined What is the recommanded view/export? I have in the menu PDF PDF(dvipdfm) I recommend PDF(pdflatex). But as you

Re: Problem when adding a Table of Contents

2005-02-14 Thread Uwe StÃhr
Colin J. Williams wrote: Here is a small extract which illustrates the problem. Without the Table of Contents, I can produce a dvi View. With the TOC, View -> DVI gives the seven errors. You simply put the TOC in the description environment. Change it to "Standard" and eveything will work. rega