Separation above bibliography in article.cls

2002-11-20 Thread Rochat E
Dear all I am using the article.cls (RevTex4) to write a publication for a conference. Since I must restrain myself to 1 page A4, I have to get rid of all skips and so on. In particular, the bottom of the document looks like this: text text text text text text empty line

fine tuning an article

2002-11-15 Thread Rochat E
Dear all I am writting a paper for a conference, for which no template have been provided. I selected the Article (revTex4) class, since this seems to be the closest one to what I am looking for. However, I have to do some fine tuning... I managed to have the proper margins and fonts, but I did

Problem using a style file within the article.cls

2002-11-05 Thread Rochat E
Hi everybody I want to write an article for the Optics Express journal. The journal is based on the article.cls with the style file opex2.sty (attached). I carefully put this file in my tex directory, in the same folder than the artilce.cls. I did texconfig followed by reconfigure in lyx (I am us

prosper, minipage, space above figure

2002-08-29 Thread Rochat E
Good morning I inserted 2 minipages on a slide (based on the prosper class). The left minipage has text, the right one has a figure with text underneath. Unfortunately, there is a big gap above the figure, which I would like to reduce. I cannot use the options of floats (it doesn't seem to be po