Hi Rich,
>Sometimes TeX cannot determine where a word should be hypenated so it
> sticks out into the right margin. We give TeX hints for hyphenating by
> entering the ERT \- at places where it is OK to hyphenate the word. TeX will
> pick one of these and use it. I do this quite frequently.
Hi Liviu,
> > 1. Sometimes I use long non-breakable words, like long function names. In
> > those cases lyx/latex do not attemp to break a new line, instead the long
> > function name ignores margins and even sometimes is placed outside of the
> > printable area.
> > Is this a known problem? Are t
Hi again,
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/TeXLive (search for the
> instructions regarding Fedora 17)
> If you follow the instructions there you can update the packages to
> newer versions.
> For Fedora 18 (to be released in January) and newer the packages there
> are the default.
Updating memoir helped, it works now like a charme. Thanks a lot!
I wonder however, how can Fedora distribute packages *that* old.
Thx, Regi
Hello Jürgen,
> Your file compiles fine here. This is with most recent TL 2012 and LyX
> 2.0.6dev. Maybe some of your packages are outdated. The versions are printed
> to the log file if you enter \listfiles into the preamble. Here's mine:
I am using the most recent packages (lyx, latex, ...)