Thanks to German Poo Caaman~o, Herbert Voss, and Lars Gullik Bjonnes!
I got my problem solved by installing newer version of rcsinfo (1.8) from
dante. Earlier I had 1.5 from local 'not so up-to-date' server...
Thank you!
Peeter Burk Jakobi 2, 5
On 23 Aug 2000, Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:
> Peeter Burk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> | Sorry, no errors... Just a lonely latex running forewer (and of
> | course no dvi output). The same happens when I run latex by hand on
> | exported tex file. (It seems obviou
un latex by hand on
exported tex file. (It seems obvious that I know next to nothing about tex
or/and latex).
Peeter Burk Jakobi 2, 51014 Tartu, Estonia
Institute of Chemical Physics Phone (372-7) 375-258
Tartu University
vice versa).
Peeter Burk Jakobi 2, 51014 Tartu, Estonia
Institute of Chemical Physics Phone (372-7) 375-258
Tartu UniversityFax (372-7) 375-264
Estonia E