Hi all:
I'm writing a document using the Tufte-book class and I'm having trouble
figuring how to configure the footer in the document preamble in order
to prevent the body text from "flowing over" the footer, as it happens
on page 2 of the enclosed mwe...
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance:
On 21-02-2017 04:02, gordon cooper wrote:
When setting it up, there were font options of 10 11 and 12, but it
to be stuck on 10. However, with the Text Style tool, the font can be
to many differing sizes. Does this not work for you ?
Hi Gordon:
Thanks for your reply. Indeed
o tweak the template to increase the size, but they
all seemed a bit daunting.
Before I start dwelling on the internals of the Tufte-book class, I was
wondering if anyone on this list has any experience with it and can help
me to some pointers.
Thanks in advance.
Best regards:
Pedro Neves
On 20-12-2015 21:40, Paul A Rubin wrote:
Don't ask me why, but apparenty \rowcolor does not play well with
multicolumn table cells. If you leave the first instance of \rowcolor
alone but change the second instance to \cellcolor{lightgray}, I think
you get what you want.
Hi Paul:
Yes, I do.
Hi all:
I'm trying to set a gray coloured row on my table, using the following
lines on my document preamble:
and the following ert on my table row:
When I try to visualise the pdf (ctrl+r) I keep getting the