Hi Ingar, Guenter,
Thanks very much for your inputs.
I finally used Xelatex to generate the PDF with Verdana font. It works very
well, except that it does not support the `attachfile' package that I use
to attach files to the PDF document. Do you know of any other packages that
Xelatex supports,
Thanks for all your responses.
I tried using the Winfonts package and followed the instructions in the
README file, but it doesn't seem to work for me. I'm using a Windows Vista
system, and updated the updmap.cfg and ttf2pk.cfg files, as instructed. I
then refreshed the File name DB for M
Hi everyone,
Could you please suggest any good packages that might be available if I want
Verdana font for the PDF that's generated from Lyx, instead of the standard
options available in Lyx.
Thank you.
Thanks a ton, Xie. Placing the file to be attached in the temp location
Many thanks,
From: Xie Chao [mailto:xiech...@gmail.com]
Sent: 06 May 2009 08:23
To: Parul Bali
Cc: lyx-users@lists.lyx.org
Subject: Re: Embedding documents/text files in PDF
Is it because lyx
From: Parul Bali [mailto:parul.sarasw...@gmail.com]
Sent: 05 May 2009 22:30
To: 'Xie Chao'
Cc: lyx-users@lists.lyx.org
Subject: RE: Embedding documents/text files in PDF
Many thanks to everyone for their responses.
The `attachfile’ package you suggested works
cannot open file for embedding” .
It doesn’t seem to locate the file. Any pointers on how to resolve this would
be very helpful.
Thank you.
From: Xie Chao [mailto:xiech...@gmail.com]
Sent: 05 May 2009 20:09
To: Parul Bali
Cc: lyx-users@lists.lyx.org
Subject: Re: Embedding
This may sound strange, but does anybody know if its possible to embed text
file or doc file in a PDF generated from Lyx/Latex? I have seen facility to
attach documents to PDFs through Adobe writer. Is the same possible
through Lyx/Latex?
ginal Message-
From: alejandro...@gmail.com [mailto:alejandro...@gmail.com] On Behalf Of
Alex Fernandez
Sent: 19 April 2009 18:01
To: Uwe Stöhr
Cc: Parul Bali; lyx-users@lists.lyx.org
Subject: Re: Lyx to html with plastex
Hi Parul,
>> I am trying to convert a latex document to html on Wi
Parul Bali
ERROR: Error while expanding "includegraphics" in
D:/Computerlinks/Projects/Documentation/Lex/Test.tex on line 35
ERROR: An error occurred while building