LyX 1.13 and newer versions and twoside

2000-02-15 Thread N.Koksch
Hallo, in the newer LyX version (1.12 works well), I have a problem with komascript books and the "twoside" option in "Layout document". LyX saves the files with "oneside". -- Norbert Koksch TU Dresden, Institut fuer Analysis Tel.: +49-351 463 4257, Fax: +49-351 463 7202

Reimport of TeX-files with graphics

2000-02-15 Thread N.Koksch
Hallo, I have a LyX-file with eps-figures in figure floating environments. The figures are scaled to 50% of the page. Exporting this file to LaTeX, I have a nice TeX-file. Another person want to edit this file (he has no LyX). Reimporting the edited files by reLyX, I have the problem that reLy