I installed 1.6.2 on Windows Vista on top of my existing 1.6.0 version.
Now it won't start. It trys to find the UI definition file in the wrong
place but it cannot find it. There is no directory LyX 1.6.1!!
I tried both the official installer and the Alt installer, both are
giving me same erro
In the embedded object help document, there are description of 6
different cross-reference variations. The last one is "Formatted
reference: prints a self defined cross-reference format. "
The questions are, how and where does LyX define the format? How do I
define a different format?
I followed the help document on embedded object to place figure caption
on the side. However I end up with a caption like this "Figure
[EMAIL PROTECTED] figure: caption text". Any idea what might be broken?
In addition, the caption text is indented to the ":", is there a way to
turn off the in
reate a much
better looking PDF file. Including bitmap files directly will lead to
very fuzzy results when the PDF display resolution does not match the
native capture resolution of the screenshot.
Max Bian wrote:
Resend without the attachment since I cannot send anything > 60K.
Resend without the attachment since I cannot send anything > 60K.
Max Bian wrote:
I am having trouble with EPS files converted from PNG from Adobe
Photoshop. I saved the PNG as EPS using "Photoshop EPS" option. I can
view the EPS file and the final output in PS format f
I am seeing lots of crashes with LyX 1.6 on Windows Vista. I think it
happens when it cannot delete the temp files during exit. This can
happen when I browse the files in the temp file directory or I do not
close Adobe PDF Reader.
I am using LyX 1.6 on Windows Vista. If I have the three toolbar panels
on three separate rows, it works fine. If I put two of them on one line,
LyX will not be able to restore them correctly when I start it next
time: the second one on the row will go all the way to the right and I
cannot see
If I have "InsetLayout CharStyle:MenuItem", it works. If I have
"InsetLayout CharStyle:Menu_Item" in a layout module, LyX displays it as
a red box. I like the latter since it displays a space in the Edit->Text
Style menu. Not sure why it would be red though.
Any idea? I am using LyX 1.6 on Win
In layout directory "stdinsets.inc", there are definitions of
Info:menu, Info:shortcut, and Info:shortcuts. It appears that these are
the ones to define the menu/shortcut styles in the help files. However,
I don't see there is anyway to use these from LyX menu. Actually, the
definitions in Logi
I am curious about the symbol in the help documents. There is the
sideways triangle used when referring to menu item, for example,
Insert->Box. The -> actually looks like a triangle in LyX. How do I
insert a symbol like that?
I think you have a good idea but I am not terribly good at tex or latex. I have
the latex code example I need this to do in another email of this thread. Would
it be possible to help me with the actual layout definition with the latex
stuff in it?
\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{\string"Fixes/Remove dust
-- End latex --
Richard Heck wrote:
Max Bian
I'd like to be able to display the graphics along with the text if
possible. Can you please give more details on how this can be done?
rgheck wrote:
Max Bian wrote:
I am using LyX 1.6 on Windows Vista. How do I define a new layout
that does the following:
1) Take an imag
I am using LyX 1.6 on Windows Vista. How do I define a new layout that
does the following:
1) Take an image and some text.
2) In the backend, get LyX to place the text in a box, the image in
another box, then put the two boxes in a larger box side-by-side
3) Automatically number the outer bo
I tried both installer and updated the Acrobat.
With the official installer, problem #1 is fixed. I still have problem
with #2. LyX error: I cannot write on file xxx.pdf.
Joost Verburg wrote:
Max Bian wrote:
I am using 1.53 on Windows Vista. I found pdflatex easiest to get
what I need
ing Vista 64bit. It is a 32bit version.
Uwe Stöhr wrote:
Max Bian schrieb:
I used the alternative installer. Was that the difference?
I'm the author of this installer ;-)
Just joking, here's the difference:
It should work on Vist
I used the alternative installer. Was that the difference?
Uwe Stöhr wrote:
Max Bian schrieb:
1. When I do view->PDF(PDFLATEX), it will ask me if I want to create
the directory for the output files. Is there a way to remove this
unnecessary user input?
2. If the pdf is o
I am using 1.53 on Windows Vista. I found pdflatex easiest to get what I
need. However I have two problems with it:
1. When I do view->PDF(PDFLATEX), it will ask me if I want to create the
directory for the output files. Is there a way to remove this
unnecessary user input?
2. If the pdf is
--- Lars Gullik Bjønnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> | > of the window while keeping the left mouse button depressed, the
> document
> | > starts to scroll downward. However, it it scrolling way to fast.
Idealy, the scroll speed should be proportional to the distance that
the pointer is out of
--- Claus Hentschel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Also building a Qt-based version of Lyx 1.3.1 was not
> possible due to some strange errors while linking.
Hey, it is possible under cygwin! This is what I did! Need to edit
the impgen.c, same as the xforms version. If you have space, I can ftp
--- Angus Leeming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That is correct. You have to highlight a particular key in either
> browser to
> have this information displayed. (Think about what we would do if
> your
> citation inset cited several keys.)
Again, I got the problem when I clicked on one of the c
--- Angus Leeming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That is correct. You have to highlight a particular key in either
> browser to
> have this information displayed. (Think about what we would do if
> your
> citation inset cited several keys.)
Yes, both are highlighted, but no info displayed. Okay
I am not sure if you have see it... but here it goes:
Clicking on the citation reference button will bring up the dialog
titled "citation", but the "info" block shows nothing about the
"selected" item(s). I can click on other items in the "Available" box
and it displays the info, but it j
How to turn it on? On cygwin system, it looks worse than xform version
as built.
--- Dekel Tsur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Anti-aliasing of fonts.
It is probably related to the extensive use of libtool. It runs every
time a source file is compiled.
--- Henrik Edlund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Take about the same time to compile LyX as it takes Mozilla for
> me. Compiling the Linux kernel is about 10-20 times faster than
> both.
I am impressed by the time required to compile LyX. Gcc is slow, but I
felt it took much shorter time to build linux kernel with all the
Any config time option to speed up the build process besides turning
off -O2?
There are problems with the file src/.libs/impgen.c. It is not a valid
C file and it won't compile.
The error will appear when lyx.exe is being built. It requires editing
the file by hand. Bad sed script?
generating import library for `cygintl
--- Jan Van Belle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I hope someone can help me with this one. Every (read:
> EVERY) time I want to compile Xforms (the official release
> 1.0) on a system, it complains in the fdesign directory that
> it cannot find the Xpm library. This while I am sure that it
> is on
It seems that if the citation reference dialog opens a bibtex file to
get the list of the keys, it keeps the bibtex file open. If I try to
edit the bibtex file at the same time using another program, I am not
able to save it. The error message is like "error 13, permission
I do
There is problem with the ASCII export function. When I have multiple
files included, those files are not exported.
It will be nice to be able to export those together.
Anyone understands what those references really are?
TextCache.o(.ctors+0x0):TextCache.C: undefined reference to
TextCache.o(.dtors+0x0):TextCache.C: undefined reference to
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> 3. You can now Find & Search CJK-characters as well. But
> Spellchecking
> CJK-chars has not been implemented (Anyone how to do?)
All chinese characters alone has meanings, thus individually correct.
There is also no space between the words like English. So it
--- Angus Leeming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The problem lies with the order "-lforms -lflimage". Swap them around
> and
> all will be well.
No, it didn't fix anything. I got the same error. The problem might be
in the xforms 1.0 library. I compiled it with gcc 3.2 and made the
shared li
I have some linking errors when I compile lyx 1.3.0 under cygwin. It is
the last step (make lyx.exe)!
Anyone knows what it might mean and how to solve it?
Thank you.
Max[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/lyx-1.3.0/src
$ make lyx.exe
/bin/bash ../libtool --mode=link g++ -O -fno-exceptions -o lyx.exe BufferV
I am not sure what's wrong. Lyx1.3 for Cygwin ignores the option "do
not display" in the figure dialog and preference. It always trys to
convert the figure and load it.
Sometimes it stops at "loaded into memory, must now generate pixmap",
sometimes it says "error loading...". All these are accomp
--- Christian_Ridderström <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Any idea how I find out? I'm using these packages at the moment:
> \usepackage{cite}
> \usepackage{latexsym}
> \usepackage{url}
> \usepackage{ifthen}
> \usepackage{multicol}
> \usepackage{setspace}
> \usepackage{floatpag}
> \usepackage{maple2
--- Michael Abshoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Christian Ridderström wrote:
> (cut from my tetex-1.07)
> Increased as desired.
I had similiar problem before. I think the default should be enough for
most users. The porblem might be a bad or conflicting package.
I am trying to insert a math symbol into the super script, but latex
seems to hate it very much.
I know I can use ERT and make it like "$^{\mu}$. However it appears in
itallic shape. I guess "\textrm" will make it stand straight. But if I
put math symbol in like \textrm{\mu}, latex comp
Hello LyX friends,
I finally got Pybliographer working under the Cygwin with the XFree
server. It looks and feels the same as the one you see on your linux
box. It probably runs faster, though it might be just an illusion.
Pybliographer is the best reference managing utility AFAIK. It works
--- "Joao B. Oliveira" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thta is why I believe that making the conversion process a serial
> one would speed up things much more: memory is used for one image
> at a time and thus fills up only in extreme cases. No swap, no disk
> delays, etc...
I think it is better to
I am running lyx 1.3 on cygwin. The following error msg appears
everytime I load a file. I do not have any problem viewing dvi or ps
This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.3.7)
LaTeX2e <2001/06/01>
Babel and hyphenation patterns for american
--- Juergen Spitzmueller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Strange. I cannot reproduce the bug in 1.3.1cvs (qt) or 1.4.0cvs
> (xforms) and
> I think I have fixed that in the 1.3 tree. Are you shure? What
> happens if you
> delete the 0's and press "Save as class default" (probably a template
> issue
I have reported a bug before about the paper margin settings on
Layout/Document/Paper dialog box (XForms). The problem was fixed in
1.2.3, but resurfaced on 1.3.0.
Again, the problem is that "0" (zero) is displayed as empty and is
confusing because it looks the same as specifying nothing,
I am writing letter with scrletter class. There are three short lines
always appear at the left margin.
Is that a feature or a bug? Please see the attached ps file.
Thank you.
Description: scrletter.ps
Hello, I need to include several lyx files in a master lyx file.
However the parts all start from a new page. Is there a way to force
them into continuous pages?
Thank you.
> On Thursday 13 February 2003 10:45 am, Max Bian wrote:
> > So sockets are just the same as pipes if they are not better. Since
> > pipes do not work on Windows, maybe it is time to switch?
> I would hope that there is no sudden switch. I use pybliographic,
> which
Can you get this to work with pipes?? If no, switching to sockets does
not lose anything.
Since sockets are simple to program, it is not difficult to come up
with a simple helper program in C, or perl.
--- Andre Poenitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok. User on machine A without LyX insta
ekel> On Thu, Feb 13, 2003 at 08:50:19AM -0500, Ronald Florence
> Dekel> wrote:
> >> Max Bian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >>
> >> > By the way, why are we still using pipes? It seems that there
> was
> >> a > discussion about switching it to
Absolutely. But what can be more annoying to have a graph at a corner
of a big page, and have to adjust the bondingbox manully?
Instead of eps2eps, ps2eps will probably do a better job.
--- Herbert Voss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> -E option does not work well when there are some
> _real
> # one.
> dvips -f $BASE.dvi | psselect _1 > $BASE.tmpeps
> #rm -f $BASE.tex $BASE.log $BASE.dvi $BASE.aux $PSNAME
> )
> #mv $TMPDIR/$BASE.tmpeps $2
> eps2eps -- $TMPDIR/$BASE.tmpeps $2
This script works, but it cannot get the bounding b
By the way, why are we still using pipes? It seems that there was a
discussion about switching it to sockets so it is more portable.
Is that a awfully difficult thing to do, or it has some disadvantages?
Sorry. My document is article (Revtex4). There is no lyx-code or
Any idea?
--- I Wayan Warmada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> put the cursor in the firstline of paragraph, then select in the list
> "comment [Kommentar, in my LyX]", which is normally below the
> LyX-code
> (Standard
There is no option to make paragraphs "comment". I am using Komascript
report class.
Any details?
--- I Wayan Warmada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> set as a comment...
> Wayan
How do I hide a part of lyx document so it won't appear in the final
output but shows up in the lyx editor? I don't want to delete it
because I'll need it later.
To be a useful solution, I also need to unhide it easily.
Is Lyx1.3 compatible with cygwin? How about the qt frontend?
--- Lars Gullik Bjønnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is the third prerelease of LyX 1.3.0. The first and second
After checking all the files, the problem is finally solved with
version 3.7 of the drftcite package and the cygwin version of tetex.
Bibtex from fptex cannot deal with the cygwin (unix) style path in the
.aux files becaue it reads "/home/max/".
Thanks for all of you who helped.
The problem seems to be a conflict between drftcite and hyperref. On my
linux machine, the versions are hyperref v6.72e and drftcite 3.7; the
windows latex gets hyperref v6.72y and drftcite 3.9.
After overwriting the drftcite 3.9 with 3.7, the stack problem is
solved. But the citation references
--- Andre Poenitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> *shrug*
> Just try it.
I have tried it before I asked, and I just tried again. After changing
the numbers in texmf.cnf and regenerate the latex format files, the
error is still there. And the input stack size is fixed at 1500, which
seems not
--- Andre Poenitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What does your /etc/texmf/texmf.cnf and the corresponding file under
> Windows say?
They look different, but the numbers in windows texmf.cnf are greater
or equal to the numbers found in linux texmf.cnf.
Can anyone tell me if it make sense to inc
Yes, I need them all for now. I may later remove draftcite. I am not
sure how much difference that makes.
The same set of lyx files works perfectly fine on a Mandrake 8.2.
Anyone has any solution?
--- Andre Poenitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't have the bibunit stuff, so I
As a physics guy, I am always curious about everything. Since he didn't
give any reason why not, I just tried it.
And both packages burned me, so I don't see the differences.
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> From my experience, I was always taught not to play with matches!
> Well I
> usually
I have attached a small zip file that contains the lyx file causing tex
capacity problem with lyx on cygwin.
Thanks for helping!
Description: cygwinlyxproblem.zip
id I misuse any macro?
Any expert on the differences of tex on windows and latex? Could that
be a lyx problem?
--- Andre Poenitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 29, 2003 at 06:03:32AM -0800, Max Bian wrote:
> > I first tried the tetex package distributed with cygwin. I
Hi guys,
I am trying to get lyx working on cygwin so that I can work on my
thesis from both linux and windows if I need to.
I first tried the tetex package distributed with cygwin. I works on
small files. If I throw my thesis on it, it just won't go. The errors
are something like "tex capacity e
It works, but VERY slow. Maybe that's why we should avoid the cygwin
--- Max Bian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks. I'll give it a try! Do you guys have any sucess with xfig
> and
> gnuplot package under cygwin? I use those often with the lyx.
I have RPMs for xforms 1.0 and lyx 1.2.2 compiled on a Mandrake 8.2
box. If those are what you want, I can email you as attachments.
Btw: why couldn't you reinstall the package? What's the error message?
--- Nalan Turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've spent the best part of today trying
Thanks. I'll give it a try! Do you guys have any sucess with xfig and
gnuplot package under cygwin? I use those often with the lyx.
--- "David A. Case" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 20, 2002, Max Bian wrote:
> > Following the link at lyx
I am really interested in working in a windows environment on lyx since
most or my figures are created using Microcal Origin anyway.
Following the link at lyx.org I went to a great site about installing
lyx on windows. I saw the following:
"As of today be sure to SKIP (NOT INSTALL) the package t
Great work. I have compiled it with Mandrake 8.2 with gcc 2.96
sucessfully. But I am not sure that I have this bug fixed. It is
marked as fixed, but lyx still behaves the same on that layout/paper
panel. It is not mentioned in the list of fixes in this announcement
Thanks! It is fixed!
--- Michael Abshoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Max Bian wrote:
> >Hello,
> >
> >I tried to use aspell, but it won't run. The -dbg 128 says it cannot
> >find a file:
> >
> >Setting debug level to 128
> >Debug
I tried to use aspell, but it won't run. The -dbg 128 says it cannot
find a file:
Setting debug level to 128
Debugging `latex' (LaTeX generation/execution)
Sorry, I can't read the file "/usr/lib/aspell/american".
I have checked two different versions of aspell, but there is no such
file c
It is pretty good. I use it for many figures in my thesis (i am
writing it with lyx!). Two features I want most are:
1. Define (closed) path that contains both straight lines and beizer
2. Apply clipping and filling with 1
Only programming with metapost give me those for now. I'd love to
Well, if I am mistaken, GV needs the ghostscript to display anything.
So if gv works fine then you probably not passing the right parameters
to the ghostview when printing.
The similiar problem happens to me due to a bad EPS figure I included.
Try remove the recently added figures and see it that
Thanks for the suggestion, but all those combined cannot do what I
really need.
--- I Wayan Warmada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, 8 Nov 2002, Max Bian wrote:
> | I really need a good drawing package that is is able to draw a
> closed
> | path with dif
Sorry for jumping in the conversation.
I really need a good drawing package that is is able to draw a closed
path with different line types/colors/thicknesses along it. I also
need it allows straight lines, spine lines, bezier curves at the
different segments on the same path. And finally, it
It is only useful if it can be turn on and off easily.
--- Jean-Marc Lasgouttes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>>> "Max" == Max Bian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Max> How about turn it into footnote?
How about turn it into footnote?
--- Jean-Marc Lasgouttes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There are no concrete plans, but there have been discussions on the
> subjects. Ideas include
> - export notes as % latex comments (this should not be too difficult,
> but there are some problems to
Is there a way to automatically rotate a figure or table in a float 90
degree when it is placed on a page alone?
It would be perfect if it is configurable, because there are floats
that should not be rotated even if placed on a page along.
Thank you.
I use babel and it seems working just fine. I loaded the babel package
before the bibunits package in the preamble.
I don't know how I did it, but LyX doesn't insert the babel package for
--- Milos Komarcevic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> After examining the TeX source exported from Ly
Try ps2eps on it. Then open the eps file with ghostview. Find the
cordinates of the lower-left and upper-right corner of the area you
interested in. Then manually edit the file to give it the new
Works for me.
--- Matthieu Amiguet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [This is not really
t;> is the normal bibtex
list you include in the menual.
--- Milos Komarcevic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, 2002-10-25 at 15:54, Max Bian wrote:
> > 1. Put "\usepackage{bibunits}" in preamble of your master document
> and
> > each subdocument you include.
I am trying to write letters using koma-script/letter class. It looks
really nice. However it doesn't agree with the American "standards" I
found in books.
I am wondering if it is possible to have following changes easily:
1. The date should be flush left and appear above the addressee
I am using Report (koma-scripe) class with the default page style. I
would like to move the page number to a fixed absolute position with
respect to one of the corner of the page. Also, instead of just the
number, I would like to make it something like "= 25 =", or "<25>", or
"~ 25 ~".
It was taken from 1.16. Yes, your approach is much better.
--- Dekel Tsur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 25, 2002 at 07:54:00AM -0700, Max Bian wrote:
> >
> > And the final step: Make a script (eg. name it mylatex) to wrap
> ar
It just looks weird.
--- Andre Poenitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 28, 2002 at 03:40:53PM -0800, Max Bian wrote:
> > LyX doesn't break words in the editor at the end of a line, but it
> > would break subscript or superscript at the end of line.
LyX doesn't break words in the editor at the end of a line, but it
would break subscript or superscript at the end of line.
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I am using bibunits and it is working perfectly with koma-script. It
is easy too!
Try the following:
1. Put "\usepackage{bibunits}" in preamble of your master document and
each subdocument you include. Make sure to use "include" option.
Forget all other latex code.
2. At the begining of e
Anyone knows a software that automatically removes the white margin
from a eps figure by changing the boundingbox?
Do you Yahoo!?
Y! Web Hosting - Let the expert host your web site
Yes, this is better. It is perfect if you add "-E" to dvips run so it
set the bounding box right. Otherwise large blank space is left around
the figure.
--- Andre Poenitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 16, 2002 at 11:46:27AM -0700, Max Bian wrote:
> > If you
It works for rectangles and math formula I put in there. If it doesnt
work for other stuff, it is easy to work around it: just put an
invisible box around the figure in case anything happens.
--- Herbert Voss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Max Bian schrieb:
> > Yes, this i
Sorry I have to retract my previous message. It still produces figure
with large blank space with the "-E". I wounder why it works in my
script, but not yours.
--- Andre Poenitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 16, 2002 at 11:46:27AM -0700, Max Bian wrote:
> &g
If you have to use the powerful pstex/pstex_t combined figures in LyX
as I do, you may find the following script helpful. Basically it
converts the two-part figure into one single eps. It saves me lots of
headache because I don't have to deal with two files. Scaling and
rotating also bec
I included a eps figure in lyx saved from photoshop 6 with the "jpeg
hires" option. It looks fine in ghostview/ghostscript. However, the
generated PS document with this figure included will show the page
number in ghostview only upto the page where the figure is included.
For example, if th
As I understand, all figures should take one page by itself and labeled
as "Figure XX" only, where XX is the number. And all the captions
should be listed in a sheet seperate from all the figures.
I want this too!
--- Dekel Tsur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 27, 2002 at 11:30:55A
This stuff is in such a popular demand, I wonder if any tex expert can created
modified subfigure package that support this naturately.
--- Dekel Tsur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 05, 2002 at 08:37:50AM -0700, Max Bian wrote:
> >
> > I really need to get the
I really need to get the subfigure package to put the label on the left (or
right) of the figures. It takes too much space at the bottom. Label at left
is quite oftenly seen in books, papers.
Anyone knows a alternative package to subfigure, or can tell me how to hack it?
Thank you.
Herbert Voss wrote:
> Max Bian wrote:
>> How do I use a normal cite in a article that uses superscript cite?
>> For example, I want to say:
>> "...This is the same as in Ref. 5".
>> I am using apsrev.bst, jvst opti
How do I use a normal cite in a article that uses superscript cite? For
example, I want to say:
"...This is the same as in Ref. 5".
I am using apsrev.bst, jvst option in revtex4 package. Thank you.
I am trying to make the output of lyx/view PS pure black/white. However
some of the included eps graphics are color. Is there a trick to make
the final postscript pure BW without converting the eps figures
There is also a line:
s051.pfb -URW-Standard Symbols L-medium-r-normal.-0-urw-fontspecific
Should I change that too?
--- Roberto Marabini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Oh, it works now... :-)
> Roberto
> P.S: what I did was,
> Edit the
> /usr/share/fonts/d
1 - 100 of 134 matches
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