31 GMT+02:00 Margret Mueller :
>> I put it where Miktex found the TEXMF directory
>> i saved concha.bst in a new folder within bibtex/bst (also tried without
>> a new folder)
>> and babelbst within
>> tex/latex/babelbst (created a folder babelbst)
remains of this command
I found no style file---while reading file Dissertation_2015_original.aux
(There were 3 error messages)
2015-05-31 13:59 GMT+02:00 Jürgen Spitzmüller :
> 2015-05-31 13:49 GMT+02:00 Margret Mueller :
>> thank you!
>> i followed these instructions, i
thank you!
i followed these instructions, it works without error message but shows no
2015-05-31 11:04 GMT+02:00 Jürgen Spitzmüller :
> 2015-05-29 23:21 GMT+02:00 Margret Mueller:
>> Dear all,
>> I have a minor issue but find no solution to it
hej, i am sorry i am asking again maybe the mail was just lost
does anyone by chance have a hint what i should do? i searched for answers
a lot in the last two weeks and will submit my phd tomorrow..
thanks a lot in advance
2015-05-29 23:21 GMT+02:00 Margret Mueller :
> Dear all,
Dear all,
I have a minor issue but find no solution to it
a friend (latex user) gave me her beautiful bibstyle named concha.bst plus
a babelbst.tex file. i want to insert both into my dissertation and dont
find a way to do it right in lyx
any help is highly appreciated
thanks a lot in advance
2015-05-11 18:07 GMT+02:00 Johannes Böttcher :
> On 05/11/2015 05:44 PM, Margret Mueller wrote:
>> I use bibtex (changing to biblatex for some reason gives multiple errors
>> we
>> still work on it)
>> apsr and natbib
>> however the problem
Dear all,
my literature problem remains... maybe someone has an answer?
I use bibtex (changing to biblatex for some reason gives multiple errors we
still work on it)
apsr and natbib
however the problem is that
- in newspaper entries: the publication and the exact date (month day) are
not display
> I have been tweaking the settings, but nothing seems to work.
> Regards,
> Bernd
Margret Mueller
PhD Student
Political Communication
FU Berlin
0049 176 842 787 22
> Deleting them always solves the problem. See
> http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/140814/biblatex-biber-fails-with-a-strange-error-about-missing-recode-data-xml-file?lq=1
> Jürgen
> --
> Bernd Kappenberg
> Zeichen setzen für Europa
> Der Gebrauch europäischer lateinischer Sonderzeichen in der deutschen
> Öffentlichkeit
> ISBN 3-89821-749-3
Margret Mueller
PhD Student
Political Communication
FU Berlin
0049 176 842 787 22
>> Please help...
> Could you provide us with the messages in Document > LaTeX Log > BibTeX
> and a small example file?
> Jürgen
>> Thank you,
>> Bernd
Margret Mueller
PhD Student
Political Communication
FU Berlin
0049 176 842 787 22
MT+01:00 Jürgen Spitzmüller :
> 2015-03-14 17:53 GMT+01:00 Margret Mueller:
>> Dear Jürgen,
>> thank you very much for your response - and sorry for the late reply.
>> I did change bibtex to bilatex and biber. It worked in a test document
>> but now in my th
ough mendeley (in the txt file
>> everything looks fine)
>> natbib and apsr
>> Is my only way out to move everything to biblatex? (tried that following
>> the instructions and got lots of warnings)
>> Thanks a lot for your thoughts in advance!
>> Best
>> Margret
>> --
Margret Mueller
PhD Student
Political Communication
FU Berlin
0049 176 842 787 22
Dear Lyx Users,
I moved my dissertation to Lyx and enjoy the beauty of it, however moving
the literature remains challenging.
- Newspaper articles never appear with the exact date (month day) (no
matter which citation style i use - maybe i didn t try the right one?)
- I can not enter any hebrew
what is needed? Or should the simple copy&paste function
> not rather be made robust and working out-of-the-box for everybody?
> Ok I'm curious whether this is a known problem that is simply to difficult
> to solve or what the matter really is.
> Thanks for your work on Lyx!
> cheers,
> sven
Margret Mueller
PhD Student
Political Communication
FU Berlin
0049 176 842 787 22
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