Re: N -> R

2001-05-03 Thread Laurent DUVAL *Is there a way to properly write something like * * N(atural number) -> R(eal number) * *In maths text books it appears N and R look kind of like this * * IN -> IR The answer seems to be found at

Re: accent á

2001-05-03 Thread Laurent DUVAL
*Again, a mate has a problem i couldn't resolv properly. He has lyx 1.1.5fix2-1, *but he couldn't put accent over vowels, but he could put it over the other *letters. Swap to latex mode (Ctrl-l, eg), then write \'a{} and swap to the normal mode back again. Exemples may be found at http://www.

Re: RTF > LaTex conversion

2001-04-25 Thread Laurent DUVAL
t try it) Laurent Duval === "As usual, you may have a look at"; L. Duval, 2001 AD

Re: angstrom symbol in math mode

2001-04-24 Thread Laurent DUVAL
*I'm not able to get \AA to work in math mode (works fine in normal mode) *No error - it just display nothing in the DVI. Write \textrm{ in the math mode, then \AA between the brackets. Works here.

Re: itemize

2001-04-12 Thread Laurent DUVAL (Have I better quicker than Herbert?)

Re: Quick BibTeX question...

2001-04-11 Thread Laurent DUVAL
*> > How can I print a ~ (tilde) in an article title? I don't want to put the *> > tilde over a letter (like in some Spanish words) I want it to appear on *> > its own. Any ideas? *> *> have a look at *> *> *> *> for special ch

Re: accents

2001-03-21 Thread Laurent DUVAL
*I wanted to have a "trema" accent on a capital O *in a letter. * *While accentuation TeX commands like {\'e} {\^o}, etc. work fine *{\"O} fails ... \"{O} in LaTeX mode will work

Re: Latex Math symbol

2000-11-28 Thread Laurent DUVAL
*Anybody know how to create : * * M * Pk(n) > T * < * S * * *How to make M, >, <, and S in the same line. One option could be: enter math mode and type \stackrel{ In each of the 2 new boxes, type \stackrel{ and either the pair "M >" or "< L" But I guess one package to input s

Re: Learning LaTeX, where do I begin?

2000-11-15 Thread Laurent DUVAL
Since lyx performs most of the basic tasks, you'll probably need more latex-tips than actual latex by itself. A nice FAQ in French Some help in English Don't forget H. Voss' Tips, which heavily rely on LaTeX http://www.

[Warning] protected separator

2000-10-16 Thread Laurent DUVAL
For newbyes newbyer than me only: I have experienced some troubles when going from LyX1.1.5/PC-winNT to LyX1.0.4/Unix with protected separators. When opening the file in the unix system, I get InsertSpecialChar errors ~. One easy solution is to use a text editor and query/replace the string \S

A draft mode to forget figures

2000-10-16 Thread Laurent DUVAL
I am trying to produce a huge doc without figures. The basic command with latex is \usepackage[draft]{graphics}. In that case, i only get a box with the name of the file. When i try to use it in the latex preambule form LyX, i get an error like "option package clash"? Attempts to use \usepackag

Re: umlauts in formula

2000-08-24 Thread Laurent DUVAL
*1. writing it exactly as ä *2. using "a instead of ä (the LaTex way) I have the same problems with french accents and don't know a nice work around. But as ugly as it may look, \stackrel{..}{\mathrm a} does the job. Looking for a better solution

Re: Umlaut in LyX

2000-08-17 Thread Laurent DUVAL
*Well what about: Who are you who are so wise in the ways of science? (From

Re: Umlaut in LyX

2000-08-17 Thread Laurent DUVAL
*It would even be better, if I could use something like r-ALT + numpad (like *with msWindows). Would it be even better if you could just use msWord (like with msWindows). Just kiddin' Soory, I don't know how to, but interested in any better solution.

Re: Umlaut in LyX

2000-08-17 Thread Laurent DUVAL
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Re: Key binding

2000-07-26 Thread Laurent DUVAL
*... and "M-c t" does the same, I think. With lyx key binding, "C-l" is even shorter

Re: creating 'Angstrom' symbol

2000-07-25 Thread Laurent DUVAL
*How can I create a 'Angstrom' symbol. LaTeX does have one and A^{\circ} is *not a good Angstrom. In latex mode \AA{} and \aa{} work.

Re: A problem: LyX-XFig

2000-07-25 Thread Laurent DUVAL
*The example 4 does not work. Gimme another chance, please! This one seems to work here. example4.tar.gz

Re: A problem: LyX-XFig

2000-07-25 Thread Laurent DUVAL
*I would like to: *- keep my images in different directories than the text (as in *the first example), I have found two non satisfactory solutions : either - create a symbolic link to the pstex and pstex_t in your /texts/ dir or - change the paths in the _t file ie: change \includegraphics{core_

Re: Reverse BiBTeX

2000-07-20 Thread Laurent DUVAL
* I'm using BiBTeX for the references, but I would like to know in * what pages are referenced each article. Is that possible? You may grep the ps file for the bib entry as it appears in the references, and you may get it from the .aux file. But now you're left with "how to grep the page number

Re: Q: figure numbering in annex

2000-07-20 Thread Laurent DUVAL
* couldn't you use * * \begin{appendix} * .. the text and anything else ... * \end{appendix} Couldn't I take a look at Lamport's before asking? Thank you, this is what I needed.

Q: figure numbering in annex

2000-07-20 Thread Laurent DUVAL
Hello I have added an annex to a document in the book-koma script style, using Addchapter. It appears unnumbered in the TOC, which is what I needed. But the figures belonging to the annex come out in the TOC with the last genuine chapter number. Does somebody have a way to overcome this feature

Re: Q: [?] instead of bib ref

2000-07-17 Thread Laurent DUVAL
* Closing and reopening the file does not work? Not always, I just tried, not randomly... We should upgrade, but I am not skilled enough to do this quickly.

Q: [?] instead of bib ref

2000-07-17 Thread Laurent DUVAL
Hello, Sometimes I get [?] instead of the correct bib refin my whole document , even though the Bibliography at the end of the document is correct. Each time I get this kind of trouble, I perform random actions such as close the file, rename the bib file, delete the /tmp file. Sometimes it works

Re: sub/superscipts

2000-07-06 Thread Laurent DUVAL
* > Is there an other way to insert sub/superscipts than going into math mode? \textsuperscript{ouga} does the job. No ideas for subscripts. PS : ouga may be turned to another text

Q: how can I stop lyx form compiling

2000-07-05 Thread Laurent DUVAL
Bonsoir, Suppose I type Ctrl-D, aiming to delete a character, just like in Xemacs. LyX then starts a sometimes quite long compiling process. Now, suppose I would like to stop it, instead of waiting for minutes. What should I do? Laurent

Re: latex in figures

2000-06-20 Thread Laurent DUVAL
ept compile the latex file and grap the picture in the ps output. Laurent Duval == The best of man is like water (Lao Tseu) ==

[internal error]

2000-05-31 Thread Laurent DUVAL
Hello, LyX compilation of my thesis gives me a few messages like LyX Internal Error Path Stack underflow It doesn't harm since it is still able to output a postscript, but where may this come from? It's the first time I see that. Thanks for hints Laurent

[Thanks] Un grand merci

2000-04-28 Thread Laurent DUVAL
I'd like to express my thankfulness to Mr. Jean-Marc Lasgouttes who spent a lot of time to help me use koma-script (which is great). We have discovered that the shame was on our LaTeX installation here, not on LyX. Koma-script will help me turn TeXies into LyXies, I hope. And add more newbies to

Re: Q: koma-script

2000-04-25 Thread Laurent DUVAL
* You need to have the real latex document classes installed. If you * look in Help->LaTeX_Configuration, it should tell you whether you've * got them, and where to find them. Well, we have them in our TeX distribution, since I can use scrbook as a document class in a latex file. But LyX doesn't

Q: koma-script

2000-04-25 Thread Laurent DUVAL
Hello, I am writing a thesis and it seems that koma-script is what I need to get preface, numbered bibliography and so on. I am using lyx_1.0.1 on SunOS. My problem is : all the layouts I need are in the directory lyx_1.0.1/share/lyx/layouts, but when I choose Options/Reconfigure, I can see n

centering figures in floats

2000-04-14 Thread Laurent DUVAL
This mail answers a trivial question I have asked times ago: how can one center .latex figures in a float? This answer is quite obvious, but may help. It suffices to insert a \center in ERT right before the figure, within the float. Laurent

Re: xfig figure with formula

2000-03-13 Thread Laurent DUVAL
* is there a special directory, where they should be? It is easier if both your figures (pstex and pstex_t) are in the same directory as the lyx file (since, as far as I understand, the pstex_t includes the path for the pstex). * 2. ->insert->file *I have given filename.pstex_t *It does

Re: xfig figure with formula

2000-03-13 Thread Laurent DUVAL
* until now I have included my figures from xfig with eps which works * fine. * Now I need a formula inside the figure. The manual says, that I should * save the figure in xfig as ps_tex and ps_tex_t. * However, when I load ps_tex_t, I get an error message, that there is no * bounding box. * When

reference to chapters in different parts

2000-03-09 Thread Laurent DUVAL
forein parts should seldom be used. In this case, it is easy to cross-ref to the part AND to the section. But is there a simple way to have the part number included in the ref, both everytime or whenever the part is different from the current one? Laurent Duval == The best of man is like water (Lao

space w/ french double quote

2000-02-28 Thread Laurent DUVAL
Hello, I am using lyx_1.0.1, with language "french". When I hit the " key, I get the correct << or >> french quote, but I cannot easily get the following or preceding non-breakable space. I.e., if I want to write << test >>, typing a space after test results in test <<. So I just type test>>

[graphics] links and box

2000-02-22 Thread Laurent DUVAL
think) Got a .pstex and a .pstex_t file, w/ formulas. They appear quite correctly, except there is a big blank space on the left, where a big formula lies in my original Xfig file. Doesn't Xfig check the right side? I have included the files (lyx, fig and pstex). Thank you. Laurent Duval == The