Customizing top and bottom marings

2004-11-12 Thread Lars Risan
Talking about customizing margins: I'd like to change the bottom margin of only _one page_ of the document -- the front page. How do I do that? Help appreciated! -lars

Re: framing floats

2004-11-12 Thread Lars Risan
> \usepackage{float} > \floatstyle{boxed} > \restylefloat{figure} > > Herbert Thanks! -- Also to Dominik Waßenhoven. Both solutions work, but Herbert's is better, as it does not interfer with the list of figures. -lars

framing floats

2004-11-11 Thread Lars Risan
Hi all, I'd like to have my floats framed. Anyone who knows a smart and simple solution? I tried an failed with the following advice, that I found on the web: Hi, Philipp. In the past I've added a frame around my floats. Add th

Re: import Excel Graphic into LYX

2004-11-02 Thread Lars Risan
On tirsdag 2. november 2004, 09:50, RENARD Francois 144138 wrote: > Hello everybody, > Does somebody know how to insert correctly an Excel Graphic into > LYX ? (I tried a PDF saving and importing but the resulting graphic > has lot of blank around, > and I'm unable to obtain an image centered on th

Re: Microsoft Word to Lyx

2004-10-13 Thread Lars Risan
On tirsdag 12. oktober 2004, 08:27, Kelvin Ngo wrote: > Is it possible to conver documents from Microsoft Word > to Lyx? There is also the program unrtf that converts from RTF to LateX (or html or postscript). My version isn't very good, but there is a recent release. Have a look at: http://ww

Re: Silly Question :-)

2004-09-24 Thread Lars Risan
On Friday 24 September 2004 20:33, mario wrote: > Hi, > > how do I see the .tex LaTeX source? > (kind of silly, I know; > or, how Export work? In the LyX menu "File": -> Export -> Latex. The file is saved in the same directory as your -file (writes over possible previous without asking). Op

Re: NatBib

2004-09-21 Thread Lars Risan
Hi Lars, On tirsdag 21. september 2004, 10:02, Lars Olesen wrote: > Once upon a time *Bernstein (1997: pp. 44)* wrote: > "I have a lot of great theories." I don't understand why you can't do that. That is exactly what you can do when using NatBib. Have you got an old version of LyX? > Another

Re: Newbie: Question on Tutorial

2004-09-19 Thread Lars Risan
> > When I hit return, the environment reverts to Standard, but the line is > > not indented. Subsequent lines are indented. Hi Jack, Im not sure I get all your troubles, but I do understand your general puzzlement and, perhaps, frustration! Trying LyX the first times, I wondrered what these

Re: Bibtex-puzzle

2004-09-13 Thread Lars Risan
On fredag 10. september 2004, 15:33, Herbert Voss wrote: > say? If the output is empty then this file is not part > of the tex tree. Move it into /usr/local/share/texmf/bibtex/bst/ > and run mktexlsr to update the data base Thanks Herbert! That worked (even if George is probably right that it sho

Re: Bibtex-puzzle

2004-09-10 Thread Lars Risan
Hi all, I'm still struggeling with my bibtex-problem (and perhaps a bit off topic to lyx-users, since LyX seems to be fine). When running bibtex manually in the directory of the bibtex-database I get this reply (and a nice DVI): [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/Dokumenter/Lyx $ bibtex EPJ-rapport_01 This i

Re: Bibtex-puzzle

2004-09-09 Thread Lars Risan
On torsdag 9. september 2004, 14:28, Ingar Pareliussen wrote: > On Thursday 09 September 2004 13:59, Lars Risan wrote: > > Hi all, > > > Hi Lars > > I think there were some problems with the preferences when > upgrading from 1.2 to 1.3 that made latex not run enough tim


2004-09-09 Thread Lars Risan
Hi all, I have not used LyX for the last year or so, when I wrote up my thesis using this wonderful but really wierd program. LyX is a real hackers delight! But, as an social anthropologist in a world of only MS-Word-users, an instance of "hackers delight" can sometimes become a hacking nightm

Re: Chapter* and header

2003-01-17 Thread Lars Risan
SORRY! forget it. I am a bit too fast on the send-button. I figured it out. (ERT: \renewcommand{\rightmark} {MyChapter*title} \renewcommand{\leftmark} {MyChapter*title} )

Chapter* and header

2003-01-17 Thread Lars Risan
Hi all, After my 10 regular chapters I have two small chapters where I use the Chapter* environment (ommitting "chapter NUMBER"). My problem is that in these final chapters* the headers remain the same as in the last regular chapter and section. How do I change them to reflect the actual chapte

Re: ERror?

2002-09-25 Thread Lars Risan
On Wednesday 25. September 2002 08:52, Andre Poenitz wrote: > I don't think I like this kind of feature. > > Well, I'd even argue it is better for the user not to have it. Correct > typing is necessary in a lot of places and having that kind of feature > lead to bad habits. I agree. THere is cert

Sorting on non-english letters

2002-09-12 Thread Lars Risan
Hi, I am using Lyx 1.1.4, bibtex and natbib, writing a book, and I am using Norwegian language. It seems that all language adaptioins works fine, except for this: References that start with a Norwegian letter are sorted after the second character in the name. So "[O-slash]degaard, Per" is sor

Re: running headers

2002-08-28 Thread Lars Risan
Hi, I think this will work: At Layout -> Document -> Pagestyle, choose "fancy" In the preamble write \fancyhead[LE,RO,LO,RE]{} \renewcommand{\headrulewidth} {0pt} If it does not work, or if you want to understand these codes, see Lars

Re: \headheight

2002-08-26 Thread Lars Risan
On Monday 26. August 2002 15:11, you wrote: > while using fancyhrd, i hace the following settings. It works fine. > > \hoffset=0.5in > \voffset=-0.63in > \oddsidemargin=0pt > \headheight=12pt That works, for me, in the sense that it does not produce any error message. But "headheight=10pt", "he


2002-08-26 Thread Lars Risan
Hi, How do I control \headheight (etc)? First; As an social anthropologist, and as one of the very, very few LYX-users at the faculty of humanities: LYX is absoulutely faboulous! It is a tradegy that 99.9% of my colleauges use MS Word. But sometimes using LYX can be frustrating, as I am the o

Re: cannot any more export to PDF

2002-06-06 Thread Lars Risan
On Thursday 6. June 2002 17:50, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Good morning, > > I started to use lyx1.16 some months ago and I was very happy with. I > could produced nice documents and save them into PDF directly or thru .ps > files converted in acrobat with acrobat distiller (under windows). > > Si

Re: Bibliography

2002-05-15 Thread Lars Risan
> > > > Well, I'm not familiar with bibtex. I thought there might be a smart > > option implemented in Lyx. I will use bibtex now. > > it's easy: > > > > Herbert > Hi, am in the same situation as Martin. And I found that bibtex-files are easy.