The ispell can be operated under terminals, however it can not be
started in LyX.
The error message was "The spellchecker could not be started. LyX:
Failed to start ispell!"
I already check the instruction, but I still cannot let it works.
The current setting in LyX preference were:
Dear all,
I already install ispell properly and check the settings is fine.
Do you have any ideas why I still have the error message: "The
spellchecker could not be started ispell: unrecognized formatter type
Hi all,
I already look at the user guide and this page,
However, I still cannot make the long table to fit into pages.
I also can not find the TableExamples.lyx
If you know how to do or you have the template file, please email me.
How to set a page breaking point on a long table? The default can not
let long table break into pages automatically.