Im running on a Dell Dimension 4600 Pentium IV 2.6
Microsoft Windows Home Edition Service Pack 2 ver. 2002.
I installed the lyx-143-4 together with ImageMagic 6.2.9, Ghostscript
8.54and Miktex
After finishing the Install Lyx wont run. After a moment additional windows
started to appear i
I have Lyx for windows xp version 1.4.2 all ready installed and working
fine. Aspell 0.50-3 is also installed. English version spellcheck works
fine, but i cant get to use the spanish spellcheck. I have the aspell.es
0.60 installed in the c:/Aspell directory, but I cant get to setup this
I'm new in Lyx, sadly i discovered a bit late for all my faculty paper. Now
I0m learning to use it while I write my last dissertation paper.
Sorry for the silly question. I'm new in Lyx and I have been looking in the
wiki an the web page the way to install the spellcheck in english (and