I'm using lyx 1.1.6fix3 and I'm trying to change the font size of a
table. Is it possible to do it all at the same time ? I mean selecting
the all table and changing character size doesn't work, is there another
way of doing it ?
I've done it cell by cell which is very anoing
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "José" == José Ernesto Jardim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> José> 2) It uses the entire author's name in the text. For example,
> José> @Article{john99, Author = {{John Doe}}, Title = {AA
> R.E. de Lima-Lopes
> GNU/Linux Registered User # 182240
> On Thu, 21 Jun 2001, Herbert Voss wrote:
> > Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 20:04:44 +0200
> > From: Herbert Voss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: José
I'm using bibtex and apalike style to process references. I have two
problems (at least :-)
1) When there are more then 2 authors it doesn't process "author et al."
2) It uses the entire author's name in the text. For example,
Author = {{John Doe}},
I'm writing a document using bibtex to manage bibliography and calling
it within lyx with apalike style.
When I produce the postscript document the citations are not hyphenated
and I get lines extended throught the margins.
How can I solve this ?
I'm starting to write my MSC thesis and I want to configure and lear to
use BibTeX with LyX. I've been looking for documentation but besides the
one that comes with the distribution (btxhak & btxdoc) I didn't found
nothing else. I'm looking for something like a user's manual.
Can you give som
When I try to view the postscript of my file I get an error message
before the TOC
"File ended while scanning the use of \@writefile. \begin{document}"
How can I fix this ?
Hello all !
I'm trying to "shrinq" a table but I don't want to use smaller fonts
(I'm allready using "smallest"). I think that the best way is to reduce
space between lines but I don't know I to do it :(
Is there someone that can help me ?