Re: Exporting to OpenDocument

2008-05-06 Thread Jeff Sese
I tried it and I received a "File does not exist:" message. I'm using LyX 1.5.4, MiKTeX 2.7. -- Jeff On 05 7, 08, at 12:52 AM, Juergen Spitzmueller wrote: htlatex $$i 'xhtml,ooffice' 'ooffice/! -cmozhtf' '-coo' '-cvalidate' Jeferson L. Sese jeferson dot sese at asiatype dot com Asiatype Inc

Exporting to OpenDocument

2008-05-06 Thread Jeff Sese
Hi, I'm trying to export a LyX document to OpenDocument, and I was successful inside a Mac environment but failing inside Windows. Does anybody know how to do this in Windows? I tried doing it manually via command line using the oolatex.exe inside MikTeX but when I open the odt generated,

Re: Undefined Control Sequence Error for /LRH

2008-04-29 Thread Jeff Sese
msthm} %\usepackage{amsfonts,amsmath,bm} \usepackage[dvipsone]{epsfig} \RequirePackage{graphics,epsf} % \begin{document} % -- Jeff On 04 30, 08, at 10:18 AM, Jeff Sese wrote: Thanks for the reply. I'm looking at the packaged tex file and it includes an a

Re: Undefined Control Sequence Error for /LRH

2008-04-29 Thread Jeff Sese
M, rgheck wrote: Jeff Sese wrote: Hi, I'm getting multiple Undefined Control Sequence Error on an imported LaTex document and the errors point to the following control sequences: \LRH \RRH \VOL \authorA \affA etc. All are some sort of metadata information about the article. Probably these

Undefined Control Sequence Error for /LRH

2008-04-29 Thread Jeff Sese
Hi, I'm getting multiple Undefined Control Sequence Error on an imported LaTex document and the errors point to the following control sequences: \LRH \RRH \VOL \authorA \affA etc. All are some sort of metadata information about the article. If I open it in TeXnicCenter, it doesn't report an

Package inputenc Error on imported Latex File

2008-04-25 Thread Jeff Sese
Hi, I'm evaluating LyX and a beginner at LaTex. I have a LaTex file that I imported in LyX and tried to output a pdf from it but I'm getting a "Package inputenc Error". This is the error in the LaTeX log: ! Package inputenc Error: Keyboard character used is undefined (inputenc)