t; just doesn't work.
I've found that you can easily number equations by using margin notes.
Just insert one of these at the end of your equation and give it the text: (1).
It will appear at the side just like in most ACM/IEEE journals.
Jonathan Dinerstein
ght in it.
Jonathan Dinerstein
ith a slew of errors.
Is this a known bug? If so, is there an easy fix or was this corrected
in the new version of LyX?
Jonathan Dinerstein
Is there any info you can give to make adding the ACM class and style a
little easier? Thanks!
Jonathan Dinerstein
that would be great =).
Jonathan Dinerstein
hould I just run the converter from a shell? If so,
what's the binary named? Thanks!
Jonathan Dinerstein
H 6.
Second, I'm writing my thesis right now. Is LyX stable/robust enough
for me to write my thesis in? If so, would it be better to use it than say
WordPerfect? My thesis will probably end up being about 50 pages with A LOT of
pictures. Will LyX try to load all pictures into memory
that latex couldn't
find information on standard document components (lists, etc). Is there some
configuring for my system that the RH 6.0 installer didn't take care of?
I'm totally stuck. If anyone can help, I will praise your name
Jonathan Dinerstein