cls VS sty file

2003-03-26 Thread J.Lauffenburger
Hello lyxers, I have to format an article for the IV2003 (Intelligent Vehicles) conference. They provide a latex2e class file (.cls) or a latex 2.09 style file (sty). I would like to know if someone did the corresponding lyx layout file and if not, how to add a new class to my configuration? I rea

Re: How to mark a bib item?

2002-12-19 Thread J.Lauffenburger
thanks, that works just fine! other question as I'm trying to change the standard bullet. It seems that the configuration mad via the Layout-Document window is not taken into account. I read about a similar problem on the mailing list: could this be the fact of the babel package? And, how can I re

Re: How to mark a bib item?

2002-12-18 Thread J.Lauffenburger
Thanks but it is not exactly what I like to do. I would like to mark using a bullet some of the references in the final bibliography. Is this possible? > If the property is attached to a paper and will need further > editing of the bibtex database, you can mark it there, e.g. with a > note = {to b

How to mark a bib item?

2002-12-18 Thread J.Lauffenburger
Hey This is a question I ask for a few days. I'm using bibtex to generate my bibliography and would like to mark some of the references of this bibliography (as for instance selected paper that will be published soon). How can I do that? Thanks JP

marking bibliographic references

2002-12-09 Thread J.Lauffenburger
Hey all, I'm using bibtex to generate my bibliography and I would like to know if it is possible (I'm sure it is...) to mark in the generated bibliography list (using a checkmark or something like that) some of these references in order to show the reader, the "most interesting papers". Thanks f

What's happening with the language selection

2002-11-26 Thread J.Lauffenburger
Since I started to write my PhD, I selected the frenchb language in the Document layout. It worked fine until now. I made some corrections to the report (nor on the structure, neither on the configuration) but it seems that Lyx just don't care of my choice: when I compile the document, all the titl


2002-11-08 Thread J.Lauffenburger
Dear lyxers, I'm writing a document using the article class. I've inserted a footnote and no there is a compilation error each time I generate the dvi file. the error says: undefined control sequence \footnote. Where does it come from?

space between paragraphs

2002-10-23 Thread J.Lauffenburger
A little but enoying presentation problem: I used the H parameter to specifiy the position of the floatting figures in my document. Lyx places the figures as I demand it but does not move the text around it, so I've got some pages with a lot of space between paragraphs because de figure is to big


2002-10-18 Thread J.Lauffenburger
A long time (3 days!!) since my last question... perhaps because I tried to find the solution on my own ;-( Like a lot of lyx user, I have some hyphenation problems... read the docs on the site and in the mailing lists.. followed the instruction but... no results. I'm using Lyx 1.1.6fix3b under Wi

book layout and bibliography

2002-10-12 Thread J.Lauffenburger
Another day... another question!! This time, I would like to generate, using the bibliography style from the book-koma-script layout, 1 bibliography but with the items sorted by chapter: Bibliography chapter 1 [MUL85] [POO98].. Chapter 2 How is it possible to write "Chapter 1"


2002-10-11 Thread J.Lauffenburger
Is it possible to "convert" Maple solutions into Lyx Math equations? I've got some bad equations which would be difficult to write by hand in Lyx. Thanks Jean-Philippe

dot, ddot and... dddot??

2002-10-10 Thread J.Lauffenburger
Hi all, This is perhaps not a Lyx problem, but someone should have faced with this problem Is it possible to obtain, like the dot or the ddot command, the third derivative of a parameter? Best regards, Jean-Philippe

2 parts in one chapter

2002-10-09 Thread J.Lauffenburger
Hi lyxers, I'm using the book-koma-script style and want to format one chapter with aspecial description. All the chapters are based on (section, subsection...) but this one should be different: It should contain 2 parts, each containing sections, subsections... as described below. Each part sho

minimised toc for each chapter

2002-09-10 Thread J.Lauffenburger
Hi lyxers, I think someone has faced with this problem, but I can't get out of the solution in the archives... I would like to put, for each chapter, a minimised TOC (with section, subsection for instance) after the title of the chapter. This TOC should use the same layout then the one of the mai

Lyx crashes when opening a file

2002-08-25 Thread J.Lauffenburger
Hello lyxers, I'm using lyx 1.1.6fix3b on a windows NT based computer, through cygwin. I'm currently writing my PhD and I've created a lyx-file for each chapter. Unfortunately, when the files are growing (30-40 pages), lyx hangs more and more frequently when loading one of theses files. Did so

Formatting a document

2002-07-17 Thread J.Lauffenburger
Hi, I have some problems using the Preambule in Lyx 1.1.6fix3b. It seems that commands I've added in the preambule are not taken into account during compilation of the document. I'd like to use the fancy package and customize the header and footer of a document which should be a two sided paper.