How to add the word "Chapter" in Table of Contents

2009-07-02 Thread Hesham Kamel
Hello, Please, I need to show the word chapter in the table of contents, so it will look like this: Chapter 1 Chapter Heading. Page number Thank you, Hesham

How to show the word "Chapter" in Table of Contents

2009-06-30 Thread Hesham Kamel
Hello, Please, I need to show the word chapter in the table of contents, so it will look like this: Chapter 1 Chapter Heading ... 10 Thank you, Hesham

How to show an item as first entry in Table of Contents

2009-06-29 Thread Hesham Kamel
Hello, Please, for my thesis, I need to have the following order: - Table of Contents - List of Figures - List of Tables I inserted the following ERT: \pagebreak \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Figures} after List of Figures & \pagebreak \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Tabl

Bibliography format

2009-06-16 Thread Hesham Kamel
Hello, Please, I am writing my thesis and I want to have the word "pages" either to appear in the journal paper or to disappear in the conferences because what happens right now is: Conferences paper: --- R. Happee, A. Janssen, E. Fraterman, J. Monster, and R. Happee.

caption for long table in list of tables

2009-06-05 Thread Hesham Kamel
Hello, Please, I have a long table, the problem is that I am getting an entry for each page in the list of tables Is there a way to get only one entry? Thank you H

one entry per page in list of tables for one longtable

2009-06-05 Thread Hesham Kamel
Hello, Please, I have a long table, the problem is that I am getting an entry for each page in the list of tables Is there a way to get only one entry? Thank you H

roman numerals for lists

2009-05-29 Thread Hesham Kamel
Hi, Please, I am using enumerate for numbering some paragraphs. How can you show roman numerals instead of numbers? Thank you -- Hesham

Underscore in Bibliography

2009-05-25 Thread Hesham Kamel
Hi, Please, I have many references with underscore in the url, which generates an error when creating the pdf view. I'd appreciate your suggestions. Thank you -- Hesham

Reference Formatting

2009-05-11 Thread Hesham Kamel
Hi, Please, I am using the book more font size class with the unsrt style. I need to have the references show up as: 1-5 instead 1,2,3,4,5. Thank you -- Hesham

Page numbers and the book class

2009-04-17 Thread Hesham Kamel
Hi, Please, I am using the book more fonts class. Everything is fine, except I am using the* \pagestyle{empty}* to suppress printing the header. However, this also causes printing the page number *ONLY* for the first page on each chapter. *Is there a way to print page numbers for all pages, and in

About Tables in LyX?

2009-02-23 Thread Hesham Kamel
Hi, Please, I want to know if there is a way to merge two cells in a column under each others? In LyX, you can only merge two cells in a row but not in a column. I am using xls2latex but it does not work for merged cells. Thank you, H

Re: Export to Open document

2009-01-29 Thread Hesham Kamel
My system is Windows On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 9:07 PM, Typhoon wrote: > On Thu, 29 Jan 2009 18:43:57 -0500 > Hesham Kamel wrote: > > > Hi, > > I am trying to export a lyx document into an open document, I press > > export, but then no files are created. > > Can

Export to Open document

2009-01-29 Thread Hesham Kamel
Hi, I am trying to export a lyx document into an open document, I press export, but then no files are created. Can someone help? The reason is I am trying to get the file into an MS Word file so my supervisor can open it. Thank you, Hesham

Beamer Class

2009-01-25 Thread Hesham Kamel
Hello everyone, I am trying to use the beamer class for my thesis defense. It's a simple question: How can you add the supervisors' names under my name on the first slide? Thank you, Hesham

Error message

2009-01-13 Thread Hesham Kamel
Hi, Please, does anyone know what does the follwoing mean? TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [input stack size=5000]. 101::AID-NME763{\textgreater}3.0.CO;2-C} If you really absolutely need more capacity, you can ask a wizard to enlarge me. It appeared when I changed the bib style to IEEEtran with th

Book Koma-script

2009-01-13 Thread Hesham Kamel
Hi, Please, how can you make references appear in the Bibliography section according to the order they appeared within text. I mean I am using the Book Koma-Script class with plain style. The problem is that the first text to appear is as, for example: .it is a measure of automobile's safet

Why do Fonts look fuzzy?

2008-08-25 Thread Hesham Kamel
Hi, I just wanted to ask why fonts look rather fuzzy and not crisp and sharp as I see in either LyX docs., or in papers? I tried changing the TeX encoding to OT1, but still, am I missing something here? Thank you, Hesham

How to create Table of Contents from separate files?

2008-08-20 Thread Hesham Kamel
Hi, I am a new Latex user and I have started to write my thesis using LyX. I have each chapter in a separate folder. Please, I want to know how do make LyX generate lists like: *the bibliography, lists of f


2008-08-19 Thread Hesham Kamel
Hello, I am writing my thesis and each chapter is in a separate folder. Now, How do you make the references appear in a separate file in the order they appeared within the chapters? Thank you -- Hesham


2008-08-19 Thread Hesham Kamel
Hello, I am writing my thesis and each chapter is in a separate folder. Now, How do you make the references appear in a separate file in the order they appeared within the chapters? Thank you -- Hesham


2008-08-18 Thread Hesham Kamel
Hi, Please, I want to know how to change the starting number for chapter, make start from other than one? Thank you Hesham

Using a template

2008-08-18 Thread Hesham Kamel
Hi, Please, I am trying to use a journal template: I was able to include the Document class, but the file gives the following error: --- LaTeX Error: \newblock un

Fwd: create a bst file

2008-08-16 Thread Hesham Kamel
Hi, Is there a way to generate a .bst file from a .sty file, so I can select it from the style list in LyX? -- I've downloaded the uploaded package, and installed


2008-08-15 Thread Hesham Kamel
Hi, I am having difficulty getting references to show as author/year. I have attached the files. This is what I get: - (author?) [1] References [1] T. Abbott, M. Easton, and R. Schmidt. M


2008-08-13 Thread Hesham Kamel
Hello, I downloaded a journal template and now I want to use it in LyX. I copied the folder to the LyX class folders at: C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.7\tex\latex then I pressed the Reconfigure menu, I restarted but I can not see the new class in the Document Settings menu. Can someone please advise? T

Error message

2008-08-13 Thread Hesham Kamel
Hello, I am a new user. I am using LyX 1.5.5 and JabRef. When I insert citations I keep getting the follwoing errors: *Error # 1-* Email Address: hosseini_ [EMAIL PROTECTED] Nikahd, M. 2; Affiliations: 1: S... I've inser


2008-07-22 Thread Hesham Kamel
ciple) to Structural Design for Vehicle Crash Safety," SAE SP, (2072) pp. 73-80. so, can I get the same using LyX? Do I need any additional software? Thank you, -- Hesham Kamel PhD. Candidate at Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Concordia University 1515 St. Catherine West, EV013.20