sh (American)
dictionary while added text to same file is checked using British dictionary.
For example it suggests some times to change (neighbor to neighbour) and some
times (neighbour to neighbor)
Hassan Khater
Materials Science
> Hassan Khater schrieb:
>> I am using Lyx under windows XP
>> I am trying to use the natbib reference style but an error message saying
>> (Latex error: file 'natbib.sty' not found.
> Then
> - open an internet connection
> -
I am using Lyx under windows XP
I am trying to use the natbib reference style but an error message saying
(Latex error: file 'natbib.sty' not found.
I downloaded the file put it in Lyx and Miktex folders but lyx never found it.
Can you help me please?
Hassan Khater
but with different fonts and line break.
Hope to receive answers or suggestions
Hassan Khater
Materials Science
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