Windows printing not working

2010-02-10 Thread Gerald Cecil
Hi list, Lyx 1.6.5 (normal Windows installer running under XP/SP3) doesn't execute the very convenient lp.exe windows print dialog command discussed at This worked fine under 1.6.4. I have lp.exe in my path, in fact I put it in mktex/bin . lyx diagnost

Open file at last edit pointr

2006-07-15 Thread Gerald Cecil
tically on save that would be available at the top of the Navigate tab? --- Gerald Cecil Physics & Astronomy UNC-Chapel Hill, NC USA

Splitting figure across 2 pages w/ caption on 1st page ... possible under LyX? ERT?

2001-07-25 Thread Gerald Cecil
e counter etc. Ideally, can this be done in LyX? Or, can someone point me to a source that explains how to do it with ERT? Thanks. I have a 325+ page book in LyX & it works beautifully other than the occasional xforms hiccup. Great work! Gerald Cecil

Re: Suitable vector graphics program

2001-01-04 Thread Gerald Cecil
mp; bitmapped graphics in one inexpensive package (the Linux beta is free) Unfortunately, it suffers from the lack of 3rd party books to illustrate its power. --- Gerald Cecil [EMAIL PROTECTED] 919-962-7209 Physics & Astronomy, U of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3255 USA On Thu,

Re: New Prerelease lyx-1.1.1pre2

1999-10-13 Thread Gerald Cecil
Are there any plans soon to generalize \cite to \citet and \citep etc. (the forms supported in natbib)? The present form is very limited & not standard for published articles in many fields (such as astrophysics!) Thanks Gerald Cecil

Request for improvements in \cite{} support & \maketitle woes

1999-07-30 Thread Gerald Cecil
itle appears in e.g. the aastex style is that the following Abstract disappears. Not quite what one wants! Other than these minor gripes, LyX works great for me & I appreciate the effort. Thanks! Pls cc any group replies to me directly, since I'm not sure if I'm still subscribed to