You said that if you use File->Export->LaTeX and then run pdflatex
manually, the document compiles correctly (nothing hangs), right? If
so, then it shouldn't be the class file, because the same class file is
being used in the manual run. If I'm wrong about exporting to LaTeX
working, then t
Paul A. Rubin schrieb:
Florian Kamm wrote:
the View->PDF (pdflatex) causes the same bahavior I described above.
Then I looked into the temporary folder LyX was using during the run.
Surprisingly I found a fine pdf-file, correctly put together (the toc,
normal text and bibliography).
Paul A. Rubin schrieb:
Florian Kamm wrote:
Hello everybody,
I encountered a problem when I tried to export a lyx document to pdf
using pdflatex. The first run is correctly started but will never
stop, so I have to kill lyx manually. I am wondering where the problem
is, because I actually
with success and from the command line, of course.
So what's going wrong with lyx here?
I am currently using a customized cls/layout style file with the newest
Miktex distribution.
I hope someone out there could give me any hints or point me to a