English, Greek, Hebrew, and Unicode.

2002-04-08 Thread Dr. Louis A. Turk
Dear Lyx users, I am wanting to get set up to write books in the English language, but with some Greek and Hebrew mixed in with the English both in the main text and also in the footnotes. Can anyone advise me how to get set up for this? Is it possible and advisable to use unicode fonts?

Re: Lyx and SUSE Linux

2002-04-08 Thread Dr. Louis A. Turk
Hi Kathryn, James, Roy, Ame, R. Josh, Herbert, Holger, Clodoaldo, ABe, Peter, and Andre, Many, many thanks for your comments about Lyx and SUSE Linux and Debian Linux. It sounds like you are all having good success with Lyx on both SUSE and Debian Linux. Now I have anther question, but I wi

Lyx and SUSE Linux

2002-04-05 Thread Dr. Louis A. Turk
Hi, I am considering purchasing SUSE Linux 8.0 Professional when it come out this month. It is supposed to come with Lyx, and is supposed to be easy to install. Since I know very little about Linux, I am hoping that Lyx will work right off without a lot of configuring which I might not know

lyx unload problem

2001-11-30 Thread Dr. Louis A. Turk
Hi lyx experts, I notice in Windows Task Manager on my Win2K machine running the Cygwin version of lyx that lyx.exe, lyx32.exe, and bash.exe do not unload themselves from memory when lyx is closed. Sometimes I have to manually remove 10 or more copies by hand. Is there any cure for this? Lo

Bibtex with Cygwin Lyx

2001-11-30 Thread Dr. Louis A. Turk
Hi lyxperts, I have bibtex set up so that I am able to insert citations into a file. However, when I view the file using dvi or postscript the citations are replaced by a question mark. I am using the plain.bst and book.bib files that came with fptex. What is wrong, and how do I fix it? (Y

Book Class Modifications

2001-11-03 Thread Dr. Louis A. Turk
How can I change the book class so that 1. quotes are in a different and smaller font, and are not right indented. 2. chapter headings are centered. Thanks, Louis

Another Bibtex Problem

2001-11-03 Thread Dr. Louis A. Turk
Hi friends, Another newbie problem. I now have bibtex working so that I can enter citations. However, when I "view" the document, where the citation numbers should be there are only question marks, and the citations do not appear at the bottom of the page. How can I correct this? Louis

Multi-Language on Cygwin Lyx

2001-10-31 Thread Dr. Louis A. Turk
Is anyone out there set up to switch easily between English, Greek and Hebrew in the same document using lyx on a cygwin setup on win2k operating system? If so, would you please send me a copy of your lyxrc file by email attachment? Also, how do I install unicode fonts? If I do my work using


2001-10-27 Thread Dr. Louis A. Turk
How do I tell lyx where my bib file is? Louis

tth and lyx

2001-10-27 Thread Dr. Louis A. Turk
Is there any way to interface tth with lyx so that tth shows up on the File/Export menu? Louis

Greek and LaTeX2HTML

2001-10-25 Thread Dr. Louis A. Turk
Hi everyone, I have recently successfully installed fpTeX, Cygwin-XFree86 and LyX on my Win2K machine thanks to help from several people. I am still not completely set up however. 1. I write English documents with long quotes in Greek and Hebrew. I cannot find any information on how to do

Printing problem.

2001-10-22 Thread Dr. Louis A. Turk
Friends, I now have everything installed, but obviously not properly. When I click View/DVI I get the message: Can not view file: Error while execution windvi-paper us 'file.dvi' Windvi (SUPELEC 0.67.2) does open however, and displays the file beautifully. But when I try to print to paper th

GSview 4.0

2001-10-21 Thread Dr. Louis A. Turk
Friends, I've installed Cygwin/XFree86 and LyX version 1.16fix3 on my Win2k machine.  I also installed gs-4.03.  I'm having printing problems which I think is because I don't have GSView installed.  The following is from the GSView web site: GSview 4.0 has been released and is available from the

personal LyX directory

2001-10-19 Thread Dr. Louis A. Turk
Friends, I have finally got LyX installed on my Win2k machine, but when I start it up it asks me the following question: "You don't have a personal LyX directory. It is needed to keep your own configuration. Should I try to set it up for you (recommended)?" I click yes, but nothing happens.

XFree86 configuration problem

2001-10-16 Thread Dr. Louis A. Turk
Hi everyone, I'm trying to get my Win2K computer prepared to install lyx. I've just installed Cygwin and XFree86. All seemed to go well. However, when I run XFree86 I get the following message: --XSERVTransmkdir: Owner of /tmp/.X11-unix should be set to root. Then the XFree86 window comes

fpTeX install problem.

2001-10-13 Thread Dr. Louis A. Turk
Hi everybody, I am trying to install fpTeX on my Win2k machine, so that I can run LyX. I have downloaded all the files. When I now try to run TeXSetup.exe I get the following error message: Error: Can't find the TPM directory. What is wrong, and how do I correct it? Thanks for your help?

Can LyX do this?

2001-10-06 Thread Dr. Louis A. Turk
Hi Lyx experts, I am seriously considering installing Lyx on my Windows 2000 machine to replace Notabene and Pagemaker, provided Lyx can do some things I need done which NB and PM cannot seem to do: 1. Brochures on legal size paper, landscape orientation, 8 snaking columns (4 on each side) with