I have never used TexLive, but I once read that TexLive was not
conceived for Windows.
Probably you have to review how TexLive automatically actualize packages
on demand (when needed).
At the begining, I have found desirable to run LyX with administrative
privileges in windows. That avoid that the operative system, block
access to some files. Since LyX will invoke MikTeX after it verifies
the installed packages, is important that MikTeX is configured to
automatically instal
El 2014-03-06 02:39 p.m., STF escribió:
I came across error while trying to install LyX 2.0.7 in Windows 7
64-bit (actually I have tried in many computers with the same error).
I'm using the setup called "LyX-2.0.7-Bundle-1.exe" downloaded from LyX
official website. As to Windows, to be exa