On 1 December 2010 19:18, Uwe Stöhr wrote:
> Am 01.12.2010 14:00, schrieb Birte Schoettker:
> However, the last times I tried to use my added bibliography in Lyx via
>> "Insert> Citation" it has been missing all entries in my *.bib file or
Hi all,
I run Lyx under Windows and use Jabref 2.6 to create my *.bib file
for the references I use in Lyx via Insert>List/TOC>BiBTex Bibliography'.
That all worked fine so far for the last 2 years, gaining insights about
coding in jabref and dabandoning endnote for good on this way so far
on the fly"
to "yes" (probably this option is already set). Finally, open an Internet
connection and reconfigure LyX. All LaTeX-packages needed by LyX will then
be installed automatically.
In case you are on Linux, use the package manager of TeXLive to install the
regards Uwe