Hi every body,
I, often use the the A button to customize the text propriety for a word,
unfortunately, I have to do it each time I run LyX. Is there a
possibility to save the customized propriety for next starting.
lyx-users mailing list
just a precision:
I noticed when I ran lyx from terminal, the message "
locale FR_fr could not be set"
is it for something
thanks for help
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I installed the 1.3.6 on debian sarge without problem,
but the 1.4.* version has a bad interface for the
french characteres. There is no problem inside the
window where we wrtite, the problem is in the menu,
problem, I installed them exactly in the same
environment, I mean I remove 1.4.3 in
;>>> "belahcene" == belahcene abdelkader
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> belahcene> Hi every body, I ve just check the 1.4.0
> version, there are
> belahcene> a lot diff than 1.3.4 and bugs too. I
> wnat to switch with
> belahcene> F12 to
Hi every body,
I ve just check the 1.4.0 version, there are a lot
diff than 1.3.4 and bugs too.
I wnat to switch with F12 to another language, say
arabic, so I uncomment the arabic part in
lyxrc.example and I copied it to lyxrc (I used to do
it without problem since 1.1.6 versiion), it is
working o
> Hi,
> I downloaded the last version 1.3.6
> tried to install it on debian sarge, where 1.3.4 was
> already install ( which came in the sarge disto);
> I got errors with fedora compiled
> so I tried the source, here also I have problem with
> moc, moc2 and other packages !
> I d
I am looking for a debian binary fro lyx 1.3.5 ?
has someone creat it ?
the last official ( in debian site is 1.3.4) .
thanks alot
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Hi, every body
I want to install the new release lyx-1.3.5,
unfortunatly there is no binary for debian, I tied
the fedora one, it gives an error (I 've sent a
message to this list), someone said that compilation
is done for RH, OK I agree but I had no problem to
install lyx-1.3.3-1rh9_qt.i386.rpm
--- Lars Gullik Bjønnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> belahcene abdelkader <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> | Hi every body,
> | I just downloded the lyx-1.3.5-1fc2_qt.i386.rpm
> and
> | install it on my debian sarge, there is no error
> at
> | the installa
Hi every body,
I just downloded the lyx-1.3.5-1fc2_qt.i386.rpm and
install it on my debian sarge, there is no error at
the installation step,
however when I run the lyx , it gives an error and
scrash with :
+checking for wasy10... yes (pfb)
removing packages.lst, which is identical to the
The lyx 1.3.5 was announced
We are pleased to announce the release of LyX 1.3.5.
but in fact nothing is in that site
best regards
--- "Nikita V. Youshchenko" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello.
> The known problem with lyx-qt + russian locale +
> math symbols display (that
> causes no math symbols to be displayed if Qt uses
> fontconfig) may be
> workarounded by starting lyx-qt as
> LC_TIME=C lyx-qt
To fix th
--- "Nikita V. Youshchenko" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello.
> The known problem with lyx-qt + russian locale +
> math symbols display (that
> causes no math symbols to be displayed if Qt uses
> fontconfig) may be
> workarounded by starting lyx-qt as
> LC_TIME=C lyx-qt
--- Jean-Pierre Chretien
> >>Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2004 10:13:00 +0200
> >>From: NOEL Yvonnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>Subject: AMSBOOK in french
> >>
> >>Hello,
> >>
> >>I am playing around with the AMSBOOK class under
> Lyx, and have selected
--- "Paul A. Rubin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thierry SCHWOERTZIG wrote:
if you use the Qt-version you need latex-xft-font,
install the package latex-xft-fonts-0.1-1.noarch.rpm
hope this solve your problem
> > Hello.
> > I have two computer (mandrake 10.0) and i have
> in
Sorry I missed to attach a file !!!
If the english headers are only in the Lyx windows,
and not in the output file ( dvi or ps) , is not a
problem pardi!!
otherwise , you have to check your preferrence
language in document.
I attach a file containning a lyx format and a ps
format , so you can
I 've just download and install proper with different
layouts for lyx ( prosper2, dekel and weiss )
While layout-Dekel-fancy.lyx and
layout_Weiss-fancy.lyx run correctly whithout error;
other files (layout-sample for both dekel and weiss )
give error like ( certainly the problem with langua
I want to add caption to figure in minipage .
Is there a possibility, from Lyx ( not subfigure)
something like this :
the figure 1 figure 2
fig1 : tata figu2: titi
When I try to add it in the tex ( after export in tex)
it gives the error caption out of floattin
I would like to get lyx1.3.3 with xforms not qt.
I have a problem in the arabic font on lyx 1.3.3. When
I take the same file on lyx 1.1.6 and choose the
arabic model, the arabic characters are correctly
displayed in the screen ( lyx screen), but not on the
The latex file exported is
I can't download the
because the permission is only for the owner.
please change it
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I have installed the 1.2.0 version.(rpm )
I want to install the new one 1.2.1, it gives error
and does not recognize the xforms, while it is
libforms.so.0.88 is needed by lyx-1.2.1-1
libstdc++-libc6.1-2.so.3 is needed by lyx-1.2.1-1
I add a soft link
ln -s /usr/lib/libstdc++
I 've installed the lyx 1.1.6 without problem in
redhat 7.2.
When I tryed to install the lyx-1.2.0-1.i386.rpm the
following message is outed
This library refers to and older version of redhat (
6.x). I tried to install this library , but there is
I noticed that Lyx save the center paragraph with
centering and at the end it adds \par. Is it possible
to use instead \centerline and whitout \par command ?
Because in the arabic environment \centering and \par
are not recognized, and I must correct the texfile
manually, to delete \par and ch
I want to use a translator, say english-french, from
the lyx. Is it possible to do pluggins like with
Software translation must exist, in free, and will be
able to use directly from Lyx
Thanks for help.
best regards
thanks for lyx developpers for this nice software,
however there are some bugs , I think? I whish they
will be fixed in the next versions. (I use the latest
one 1.1.6 fix4 )
1.-- When you change a layout, say, the paragraph
style, the new opened window stays over the main
window, you must m
hello sir,
please would you help me. I send my message to many
people no one answers.
I use opera ( sometimes netcape) under Linux (redhat
7.0 and mandrake 8.0 ). When I try to enter arabic
website, (for exemple : www.ahram-eg.com) I have font
On windows with net explorer, there is
--- "Anna H. Pryor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ver 1.1.6fix1 on Linux
> O.K., I feel more confused now than ever.
> I am trying to make slides using lyx...but I think
> that I keep getting
> directed to latex/tex commands only. Can someone
> just clarify to me if that
> is the case.
hi everybody,
I have used arabic support in lyx1.1.5, (redhat 6.0 )
whithout big problem.
I only copied (thank you dekel ) the lyxrc.example to
my lyx Home and changing the corresponding lines to
the arabic support. (I used arabtex )
Now, with Lyx 1.1.6, I try do the same thing but the
hi everybody,
I have used arabic support in lyx1.1.5, (redhat 6.0 )
whithout big problem.
I only copied (thank you dekel ) the lyxrc.example to
my lyx Home and changing the corresponding lines to
the arabic support. (I used arabtex )
Now, with Lyx 1.1.6, I try do the same thing but the
program d
i every body,
I have installed in my computer running redhat 6.O,
serveral version of lyx with success, from lyx 1.0.4
to the newer one lyx-1.1.5fix2 (using tar.gz or RPM).
Now i've bought the version 7.0 there is a problem :
for 1.1.5fix2.-1.rpm , the istallation is possible but
when you run ly
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