I have and the problem remains. What could be the problem?
2009/4/16 Waluyo Adi Siswanto
> On Thu, 2009-04-16 at 00:40 +0100, Andrew Rusk wrote:
> > I am having trouble with fancyhdr. I use the following in the preamble:
> >
> > \fancyhead{}
> >
> > \fan
I am having trouble with fancyhdr. I use the following in the preamble:
But the page number always comes up on the right side, i.e. on both od
Dear all,
I am new to Lyx and have a problem with my bibliography.
The pdf output from Lyx has the bibtex key in front of the full citation in
the bibliography.
[Quah1993] Quah D., etc
instead of
Quah D., etc
I have checked the bib file and seems fine and the problem is only solved