On Wed, 14 Jun 2023, Rich Shepard wrote:
There it is! But I cannot see the 'twocolumn' in the LyX settings.
I gues the kludge stays there because unless I modify the .tex (or .lyx)
file the unwanted 'twocolumn' option will re
On Wed, 14 Jun 2023, Herbert Voss wrote:
Rich, that is not the default. There must be something set in your
I know it't not the default and don't see why it occurs. Here's the
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Am 14.06.23 um 21:03 schrieb Rich Shepard:
What might cause a document using the memoir book class to produce
output with two columns per page? That might be appropriate for some
articles, but not for a book.
Rich, that is not the default. There must be something set in your preamb
What might cause a document using the memoir book class to produce pdflatex
output with two columns per page? That might be appropriate for some
articles, but not for a book.
Help's needed.
lyx-users mailing list
If you've used the memoir class for a book please share your knowledge with
Since there are no front matter environments for half-title or copyright
pages (but there is one for abstract which is found on articles, not books)
I need to learn how to define the first two.
Reading Peter Wilson's
On Wed, 14 Jun 2023, Steve Litt wrote:
What I did was remove all distribution-provided texlive and grabbed it
from CTAN, including the tlmgr program, which makes it easy to install
new fonts.
That's what I did. But tlmgr finds only the U. Utah repo and won't add
another one. This prob
Rich Shepard said on Tue, 13 Jun 2023 09:14:39 -0700 (PDT)
>I'm starting to learn the memoir class for my book and want to add the
>URW Classico san-serif type family in TeXLive2023. The URW Palatino
>family is in
>Du I unzip urw-cl