Dear list,
I have used LyX for some time and came now across the change of the
handling of the bibliography in 2.3.6. I managed to understand the
changes concering inserting a biblography, changes towards the preamble
and the change of using the options, however I have the following problem:
I appreciate the feedback I have received, but I’m still left with a somewhat
non-functioning LyX installation. To repeat
1. I cannot open older LyX formats.
2. Instant preview does not work.
This happened recently. Can anyone suggest how I can get LyX to work again?
lyx-users mailing list
I'll be willing to try it on my handbook too :-)-O
On 17/10/2022 22:49, Scott Kostyshak wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 17, 2022 at 10:03:51PM +0200, Ricardo Berlasso wrote:
> Don't worry about it! I'll ask you again whenever we are close to
> releasing 2.4.0 if we really want lyx2lyx to get some e
I have an (almost) 1000 page ops handbook of 25 chapters (child
documents) and a common include.tex with 330 includes (listings and
images) and a 550 line Makefile.
It displays in 12 point font in landscape when I need to work something
(like recently reinstalling Perl from Homebrew) and