in my large (handbook) project with 20 child documents and a Makefile of
502 lines (with has a bit of fancy stuff, such as a number of included
PDFs, images, and text files (config files from other servers) all
triggering the LyX run, stamp generation (!) and backup after looking
up which h
> On 2020-12-31 18:24 , Steve Litt wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I switched from compiling with LaTeX to compiling with LuaLaTeX,
> > and my book's index went away. Upon further research, I found that
> > I had forgotten to run makeindex between the first and second
> > LuaLaTeX compile. So if you
> On Dec 22, 2020, at 2:58 AM, wrote:
> The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) has a series of
> new ‘open” journals which use a different Tex format than other IEEE journals.
> A superficial inspection shows that the main difference is that the a