On Sat, 23 Jan 2016, Robert Susmilch wrote:
Depending on which style you are using (casual, oldstyle, etc.) I found
for the casual style that the name font size is defined in the file
moderncvstylecasual.sty on line 66:
The first n
Depending on which style you are using (casual, oldstyle, etc.) I found for
the casual style that the name font size is defined in the file
moderncvstylecasual.sty on line 66:
The first number is the font size in points, the se
On Fri, 22 Jan 2016, Rich Shepard wrote:
In addition to changing the size of my name on the first page I need to
learn how to display page numbers (Settings -> Headers is set to "Fancy")
and to put a date (in \small{} font) at the very end.
Figured out how to paginate and add the date. It wo