LyxWin - sed question

2004-03-13 Thread Uwe Stöhr
In the mail-archive:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg32760.html I found the following: --- Open a DOS prompt in the LyX bin directory and type sed --version. If it reports version 3.something, go to http://source

configuring lyx 1.3.3 win32

2004-03-13 Thread Vivek Sharma
I tried to follow the recommendations on the list re configuring ruurd's lyx 1.3.3 native win32 port. In particular 1. the installation in c:\proggies. 2. changing the path to include the lyx.exe is in the path 3. installing and replacing the sed application in lyx\bin by the latest GNU sed 4.0.7

Re: Lyx 1.3.3 for Windows startup error

2004-03-13 Thread Milos Komarcevic
Paul, 1. Open a DOS prompt in the LyX bin directory and type sed --version. If it reports version 3.something, go to 16429, download sed 4.0.9 (or the

Re: Newbie: Lyx should use an alternative Tex distribution (Debian)

2004-03-13 Thread Georg Sommer
Hello Anca and thank you for the reply Am Freitag, 12. März 2004 10:54 schrieb Anca Tibor- Attila: > > I'm using Debian testing/unstable, built from Knoppix (-> LyX 1.3.3) > > As some important Tex Classes (e.g. g-brief) are missing in the default > > configuration I installed  Tex-live - but now,