Le Lundi 10 Juin 2002 17:00, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes a écrit :
> Did you fix your problem?
Yes, as said in another message it was a problem with the config I had from
LyX 1.1.6.
Renaud Michel
ya un équivalent a telnet sous linux?
- #linuxfr
> "Renaud" == Renaud MICHEL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Renaud> I can't type with lyx 1.2.0. I tried the precompiled rpm
Renaud> package, then I compiled it myself but when I try to type
Renaud> words in lyx I get nothing except the "unknown function"
Renaud> message in the status bar. What i
> "Jan" == Jan Warnking <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Jan> Talking about quotes and spaces in French, I have an offtopic
Jan> question: Are spaces after opening << and before closing >>
Jan> really good typography in French? I know about the spaces (thin
Jan> protected ones) before :;?! but am
I've just installed LyX (1.6fix4), and took not so small fight to
make it use Polish dictionary for spellchecking.
It works, almost. With exception for words which
have polish chars inside (except for \o ). LyX is
ignoring them and sents only part of word to ispell (aspell the same).
I've trie