Herbert's latex Preamble just solves it perfectly. That's enough for me
now. When I have time I'll send an e-mail to the author of the
IEEEtran.cls and ask him to change it.
On Wed, 4 Jul 2001, Allan Rae wrote:
> Try contacting the original author of the class file for his opinion.
> Allan.
Try contacting the original author of the class file for his opinion.
Allan. (ARRae)
Yes, you can. You are lucky, Mr. Lasgouttes just released his cv class.. You
can get it from (if the url didn't change!) at:
On Tuesday 03 July 2001 15:29, ray p wrote:
> I'm sorry if this has been asked a million times but I've so f
I'm sorry if this has been asked a million times but I've so far been unable to find
any documentation on how to do this and searching the archive gave me nothing so if
there is something out there please point me at it. I have a latex document (to create
a resume) That I would like to edit wit
Thank you really Herbert for your help,
and the links you are sending me are so useful.
Well, I always have the user guide, but using the function described on it ratherly I
can get the right solution for the look of non standar classes
LyX is so great for Chapter, Sessions, SubSession and so
I can't get rid of this problem, tried so many options, but at this point I think some
latex or some different class documents is needed
thanks for help.
here is lyx file:
\lyxformat 2.15
\textclass book
\language italian
\inputencoding latin1
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
I am inserting an eps figure by clicking on insert>figure. after choosing
the eps file I click on full screen preview. I get an error message saying
"can not view file - error while executing - none 'fig.eps'". however once
the figure has been inserted, the image is rendered correctly and
I am trying to save my dvi files by going to file>export>DVI. Lyx creates a
dvi file which I try to open unsuccessfully. I get an error message saying
"bad dvi file". Although if I try view>DVI the command is successful but
unfortunately the viewer I am using (YAP) does not have a save option
Hi All,
If I want to make a poster with Lyx. Is that possible or not ?
If ya ..can you tell me ?
regards from Bremen,
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