I fixed it. The X server I use allows a couple of different options of
which two
are: 1) let WindowsNT manage the X windows programs or 2) use a window
manager (e.g. KDE, Gnome, etc.) to manage the X windows programs. When I
use the second option, LyX works just great including working with grap
Hello Yann,
I had a look at your example file ! Everything
seems to be allright now, the blue line has
vanished now.
I had to select layout->charsets->language
[french] with disabled swtich on-button. Then
"overtake" and lines have gone !
Nevertheless I agree that this is a strange
behaviour of ly
> > The problem is the line break in paragraph- and paragraph*-environment
> > I tried the hint on your page and got a strange result.
> > I attached the part of my file that shows it.
> > Do you know what to do?
> there were some errors in your latex preamble which do not
> belong to the prob