I have two problems with math macros.
1) I would like to put all my lyx math macros into one
lyx file and then include them into each chapter of
my thesis. However there doesn't seem to be a way
to do this. Each document inclusion method I tried
doesn't work. Most fustrating i
I attempted to put a list of algorithms in my document
but I get a list of errors (seems to be two per algorithm).
Most say
"undefined control sequence.
\@dottedtocline ...sep mu\hbox{.}\mkern \@dotsep
mu$}\hfill \nobreak. \[EMAIL PROTECTED]
l.1 ...e{1}{\ignorespaces \nonbreakingspace}}{4}"
re re hello
The problem seems to come from the "moreverb" package, because when i
remove it the "" are great.
"Y faut li... Arlequin c'est le champion de l'amou" Dany Boon.
( Yann MOREREmailto:[EMA
Re hello,
i must say that on my computer C-" or C-q does not work
did i forget something
"Y faut li... Arlequin c'est le champion de l'amou" Dany Boon.
We had a powerfailure during the weekend and since I had travelled
away it took so time to get everything up and working again.
All should be good now (dns servers might need to get a cache timeout
before everyting is ok.)
Hello there,
I've got a problem, i want to have for example :
pstops "2:0L@.7(21cm,0)+1L@.7(21cm,14.85cm)" un.ps deux.ps
in a lyx code format but when i compile i've got this error :
! Missing number, treated as zero.
l.2207 pstops~\char`
> "claudio" == claudio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
claudio> Hello people, I prepared the unofficial Italian Documentation
claudio> Page, its URL is http://www.geocities.com/lacocio/lyx.html
claudio> Check it (especially if you would like to start
claudio> traslation of some part of docum
I am looking for a layout designed for writing faxes.
Thank you for your help,
--Nabil Hathout
Nabil Hathout mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
CNRS ERSS (UMR 5610) Université Toulouse II Le Mirail. Maison de la Recherche
5, allées Antonio Machado. F-31058 To
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I am having proplems using figures (.eps files) in multipart documents.
In my thesis, which I am writing using Lyx (version 1.04), I have
a master document and a number of Chapters.
In a directory called Thesis I