>>From: Emanuele Gissi & Alessia Franceschi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>To: Juergen Vigna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Niklas Hulden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Lista LyX
>>Subject: RE: RE: Importing EPS images in Lyx
>>Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 18:00:36 +0100
>>> I tried your example file ASI
Chad Scherrer wrote:
> Does anyone know how to get LyX to replicate the LaTeX expression
> \[(x|x\text{ is positive definite})\]
ist has to betextrm
> I tried entering \text{ is positive definite} within a math display, but
when you are in a
>>Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000 12:10:08 -0500
>>From: Chad Scherrer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Text within math
>>Does anyone know how to get LyX to replicate the LaTeX expression
>>\[(x|x\text{ is positive definite})\]
>>I tried entering \text{
Does anyone know how to get LyX to replicate the LaTeX expression
\[(x|x\text{ is positive definite})\]
I tried entering \text{ is positive definite} within a math display, but
LyX keeps getting rid of the spaces.
Thanks in advance for any help,
Chad Scherrer
> "Sasa" == Sasa Janiska <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Sasa> Hello! I've been searching on mailing-list archives but could
Sasa> not find answer for seminar class support for LyX.
As far as I know, there is no seminar support. The two classes
supporting slides are "slide" and "foils".
Sasa> P
I've been searching on mailing-list archives but could not find answer
for seminar class support for LyX.
Does anybody know if someone has written class for seminar package?
P.S. If anyone can share some experiences in writing class for LyX,
please share it woth others.
A further question on multi-line equations. LyX seems to split them as
it would any other paragraphs. I have a stack of equations that are
currently being split between two pages, with a table float kreeping in
between them. Is there a way to keep the multi-line equation together?
Henk Coetze
Does anyone know how to switch off/remap ctrl-tab in KDE, which switches
desktops, where I want it to break up multi-line equations?