EPS bitmap not being shown

I'm running RH 6.1 with LyX 1.0.4. I've inserted a couple of gray-scale eps images. They print just fine, but don't show up in LyX itself. I.e. I can see the frame, but the inside is empty. I've tried displaying them in all formats that make sense to me (gray scale, color, etc) but i g

Mixing double and single quotes, tth problems

1999-11-20 Thread Florian Cramer
Question no.1: How can one mix single and double quotes in LyX, like: "I see that 'this' is a quote"? Question no.2 (possible bug): When exporting to HTML via tth, tth always produces empty bibliography entries. It seems to rely on an '*.aux' file to read the bibliography entries from (so it see

Caption error

Hi, I'm using LyX 1.0.4 under RH 6.1, and I'm running into a bug with captions on a figure (eps bitmap). When adding the eps bitmap, I've found that the caption doesn't show up. I tried selecting the sub item button, but this causes LaTeX to fail with a slew of errors. I

How to use custom export

1999-11-20 Thread Jan Ulrich Hasecke
Hi Lyx-Users! I wonder whether it is possible to invoke pdflatex via the custom-export feature. I used the custom export function, switched on latex format and in the shell command field I inserted | pdflatex or simply pdflatex but with no result. I only found a texput.log in the tmp-dir. Wha

BibTeX and LyX

1999-11-20 Thread Rainer Dorsch
Hi, is it possible to use bibtex efficiently together with LyX? Is this somewhere documented? Thanks. -- Rainer Dorsch Abt. Rechnerarchitektur e-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Uni StuttgartTel.: 0711-7816-215