Dirk Klugmann wrote:
> Myriam Abramson wrote:
> >
> > Hi!
> >
> > Where can I find the archives for this mailing list?
> >
> Lyx users:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/lyx-users@kde.org/
Sorry, have to correct myself. This one is outdated. The right address
Ce 15 nov, Myriam Abramson à écrit:
> Hi!
> Where can I find the archives for this mailing list?
that's all
"Y faut liiirrreee... Arlequin, c'est le champion de l'amourrr..."
Myriam Abramson wrote:
> Hi!
> Where can I find the archives for this mailing list?
> --
> myriam
> Go Proverb:
> If you cannot succeed, then die gloriously. -- Chinese proverb.
Lyx users:
Thus said Andy Bradford on Mon, 15 Nov 1999 21:44:45 MST:
> I realize that I may be slightly off topic asking about a cls for LaTeX but
> could anyone give me some pointers as to where I can find a .cls for the
> LinuxDoc documentclass?
Hmm, maybe I am incorrect in assuming that there is a .cls
I realize that I may be slightly off topic asking about a cls for LaTeX but
could anyone give me some pointers as to where I can find a .cls for the
LinuxDoc documentclass?
+== Andy == TiK: garbaglio ==+
|Linux is about freedom of choice|
Where can I find the archives for this mailing list?
Go Proverb:
If you cannot succeed, then die gloriously. -- Chinese proverb.
seems to have a little bug in lyx 1.04 (sorry, I don't yet upgrade). may
be already corrected.
example :
one uses figures, then want to switche to floats figures. Try to create
fugure float and then cut and paste figure in it. So far so good, but
impossible to get the caption under the figure.
I have some trouble with the letter document class (with language =
francais (not french)). It is type-setted just like a signature. Is it a
bug of babel ? Besides, the \location text is not displayed.
Thank you for your help.
--Nabil Hathout
PS. I'am trying to move from french to fr
Does anybody try to use the bullet shapes popup with the language of the
document set to frenchb?
The popup works fine but I could not force latex to use the bullet
shapes I have specified in this popup.
It seem's that the package frenchb override the bullet shapes I have
juste define in the docu